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Episode Summary

In this uniquely personal episode of Making Sense of Faith, Adam Hamilton shares his intimate reflections on the National Prayer Service, a time-honored tradition dating back to George Washington where faith leaders address the nation’s highest officials. Recording from his study rather than the usual studio, Adam offers a candid exploration of what he would say if given the opportunity to speak at this year’s service. Drawing from his own experience delivering the sermon at the 2013 National Prayer Service, he weaves together profound insights about leadership, greatness, and the true measure of a nation’s character through the lens of Christian faith.

The Weight of Words in Sacred Spaces
Adam shares his behind-the-scenes experience of preparing for the 2013 National Prayer Service, including rewriting his sermon 15 times and working until 3 AM to get the message just right for such a monumental occasion.

Bridging Division Through Common Ground
With the wisdom of someone who leads a congregation that’s 40% Republican, 40% Democrat, and 20% Independent, Adam demonstrates how to find unifying values while acknowledging deep differences on complex issues.

Jesus’s Revolutionary Definition of Greatness
Through powerful Biblical narratives including the Good Samaritan and the Last Supper, Adam unpacks Jesus’s counter-cultural teaching that true greatness lies in service to others, not in power over them.

The Real Measure of National Character
Drawing from both Scripture and American history, Adam makes a compelling case that a nation’s greatness is measured not by its wealth or power, but by how it treats its most vulnerable members.

A Heart for All People
With characteristic compassion and clarity, Adam addresses contemporary challenges facing marginalized communities, reminding listeners that every person deserves dignity, protection, and belonging.

For anyone wrestling with questions about faith’s role in public life or seeking to understand how ancient wisdom speaks to modern challenges, this episode offers a thoughtful, nuanced perspective that refuses to sacrifice either truth or grace. Adam’s unique ability to bridge theological depth with practical application makes this episode especially valuable for those who may feel disconnected from traditional religious institutions but hunger for authentic spiritual dialogue. Listen to the full episode to experience how faith can inform our understanding of leadership, service, and community in today’s complex world.

Adam's Message at the 2013 National Prayer Service

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Wrestling With Doubt, Finding Faith

Adam Hamilton

Does your faith make room for questions? Everyone has doubts. Where is God when bad things happen? Does God hear our prayers? Is there a heaven? How can we know? Often we treat such questions as the enemy of faith. But uncertainty doesn’t mean our belief is lacking. Doubt can be a path to a deeper, richer encounter with God.

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