Weather Alert:

Church programs for Monday, Jan. 22 will resume their normal schedule at all locations this evening.

Programming Note:

Leawood’s Sunday night in-person worship has been moved to 4 pm for Sunday, February 11. 

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Care Ministry

Impacts Countless Lives Every Year

Your Generosity Makes That Possible

This page gives you a glimpse of the ways God uses your gifts to change the world. 

Global Education Sponsorships

Each year, we invite you to make a difference in the lives of children and families around the world through our Global Education Sponsorship Program. This annual initiative allows you to directly support our partner schools in Uganda, Malawi, South Africa, and Honduras. Your contribution provides essential resources for these schools. To learn more and to make a donation, click the button below. There you’ll be able to find out how to give a one-time gift or set up a recurring monthly donation.

Ways to Give

If you have a question or would like to learn more about opportunities to give, email or call (913) 544-0256.

You may return your gift in worship or mail to: 

Resurrection, Attn: Finance
13720 Roe Ave, Leawood, KS 66224

Resurrection FEIN #48-1107898

Electronic giving is secure, quick and easy to set up using a debit or credit card or your bank account. You can give a one-time gift or establish a recurring gift through our secure online giving platform. CLICK HERE to give online now. 

For instructions on making a stock gift, CLICK HERE. For questions or additional help, please email the Finance Ministry or call 913-232-4171.

 A direct gift from an IRA to a charity is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution or “QCD”. If you are 70 1/2 or older you can make charitable donations directly from your IRA. For more information about QCD gifts CLICK HERE. You may use this form to give to your Financial Advisor.

Memorial giving is a wonderful and meaningful way to remember and celebrate your loved ones. To make a memorial gift, CLICK HERE.

The Resurrection Foundation (TIN 05-0525052) was established in 2002 to identify and develop opportunities for planned giving. Our purpose is to endow and support the lasting impact of the church’s ministry and mission by encouraging members to remember Resurrection in their planned giving. CLICK HERE to learn more.

The 3 Step Giving Process

Step 1
Where is God guiding you to get involved?

Giving financial resources to God’s work in the world is an act of faith. Step 1 is to go to God in prayer and ask for guidance.

Step 2
What can you commit to God's kingdom work?

Commitment is an act of discipleship. Step 2 is the opportunity to join God’s work in the world.

Step 3
When & how can you fulfill your commitment?

Giving is the follow-through on your commitment. Step 3 is defining your plan to fulfill your commitment.

Why We Give

Showing our love for God and our neighbors
An Act of Worship

All we have is a gift from God, so we believe that giving to God's work is an act of worship.

Membership Expectation

At Resurrection, giving is an expectation of membership. The church does not specify how much an individual should give, but we hope each person will commit a percentage of their income with a tithe being the goal.

Funds Mission & Outreach

Annual giving makes possible: worship, programs for children and students, Bible studies, small groups, pastoral care and support, mission trips, community service, and supports building and operational needs.

2 Corinthians 9:7
"Everyone should give whatever they have decided in their heart. They shouldn’t give with hesitation or because of pressure. God loves a cheerful giver."

More Ways to Be Generous

Your generosity towards Resurrection’s Ministry Fund makes our ministry possible.
But, that’s not the only opportunity to make a difference.

Capital Campaign

Throughout scripture God calls one generation to pass on the faith to the next. In this campaign, we’re seeking to ensure our buildings and programs faithfully connect with and care for all people of the church and community, from the oldest to the youngest. Thus, ensuring our ability to pass on the faith from generation to generation. To learn more, click the button below.

Local & Global Impact

Resurrection Missions is making an impact throughout our local communities and around the world. There are numerous ways you can serve at Resurrection, in the Kansas City area, and around the world. To learn more about opportunities to be generous with your time, talents and resources through Resurrection Missions, click the buttons below. 

Impact at a Glance

Here is a look at the profound impact your gifts had throughout the past year locally and around the world.
children received their 3rd Grade Bibles
students who confirmed their faith
books distributed to children at Kansas City area elementary schools
cumulative adults in a small group or meeting together for community and Bible study
backpacks filled with nutritious food for families experiencing food insecurity
pounds of food distributed through the Food Mobile
homes in Malawi with solar light kits
cumulative participation in online, in-person, or televised worship services
people who read the daily GPS Guide devotional email
children directly engaged in Vacation Bible Camp
individual children in Sunday school
children and famiilies participated in the Annual Easter Egg Hunt
students engaged in youth group
students involved in Sunday school
impressions through social media, TV advertising, billboards, etc. during the BE Campaign
couples commit themselves to each other in marriage
connections with people in hospitals or care facilities

A Story of Uncommon Generosity

As a gifted young artist living with vision impairment and a brain tumor, Jeff Hanson gave away millions of dollars through his paintings fueled by his passion to give back to his community.

Jeff found authentic joy and a deep connection with God through living generously. Those who live generously find a deeper sense of community, a lasting hope, and increasing love for others while leaving a lasting impact on the world.

We invite you to learn Jeff’s inspiring story in the video and find out more about how your giving supports our ministries here.

Play Video

Frequently Asked Questions

Giving FAQ

To setup your recurring gift click here and follow the on-screen prompts. Should you need any assistance, contact the Donor Relations office at 913-544-0256.

Planned gifts are a purposeful way of supporting the future ministry and mission of Resurrection. When the Resurrection Foundation receives assets as a beneficiary under a will or trust after the donor’s death, the gift is known as a “planned gift.” Planned gifts can be made from a variety of asset classes such as cash, securities, qualified retirement plan/IRA assets, the death benefit from life insurance, or real estate. All gifts are welcome. Please contact the Resurrection Foundation for more information. 

If you have already created a planned gift, please complete and return a confidential Donor Declaration form to guide the use of your planned gift. 

To include Resurrection in your estate through a planned gift, please use the following information: 

  • Legal Name: The Church of the Resurrection Foundation
  • Federal Tax ID Number: 05-0525052 
  • Address: Resurrection Foundation, 13720 Roe Avenue, Leawood, KS 66224 

We would love the opportunity to connect and answer questions. You can reach us at

Memorial giving is a wonderful and meaningful way to remember and celebrate your loved ones. Memorial gifts can make a difference now.

Your congregational care pastor can assist you as you plan for your family’s memorial or funeral service. Memorial envelopes are provided by our Congregational Care Director of Funerals. Gifts may be directed to the Donor Relations Office c/o Debi Nixon, Executive Director of Development: 913-544-0709 or

Resurrection is committed to ensuring a place for all generations. Capital campaign generosity is over and above your regular offering and makes possible creating and improving facilities to help us in passing on the faith from generation to generation.

Learn more about our current capital campaigns by going here.

If you would like to give to one of our Generation to Generation Campaigns click here.

To access your Resurrection Account:
  1. Navigate to My Account  using the Resurrection website’s menu bar
  2. Log In using your mobile number (receive a code to log in) or email (receive a link to log in)
  3. Once you’ve accessed your account, click on Giving and Commitments in the Account Info section of the page
  4. On the Giving History page, you will see your Available Contribution Statements. You can select the giving year listed, and your browser will open a statement for that year.
  5. Click Giving Schedules  on the left-hand menu to view and edit your active recurring schedules
 Click here for detailed instructions about logging in to your account. For additional support related to generosity, contact donor relations at

Stewardship FAQ

As Christians we recognize everything we have comes from God, and we are simply sharing those gifts for Kingdom work. Through our tithes and offerings, we demonstrate in a tangible way our love for God and our neighbors. Pray about giving regularly to God’s ministry and mission through Resurrection with a goal of tithing 10% of your annual income. (For more information about tithing, read this GPS Guide post.)

A ministry fund commitment, also known as a pledge, is an individual or family’s annual commitment to the church of their tithes and offerings in support of our church’s ministry and mission.

Ministry and mission through Resurrection are made possible by gifts to the Ministry Fund. This is the vital fund that supports all the programs and ministries and the church. This includes funding worship, programs for children and students, Bible studies, small groups, pastoral care and support, mission trips, community service, building and operational needs, and staffing.

You can complete a Ministry Fund commitment at any time. Resurrection engages in an annual Stewardship campaign during worship typically each November. As a congregation, we will express our gratitude to God and present our cards, representing our commitment to God’s ministry through our church.

Click here to join others make a difference in the world by making a ministry fund commitment now.

You can make a gift at any time throughout the year toward your commitment. Click here to view the many ways you can fulfill your commitment. If you need to adjust your commitment, please contact our Donor Relations team.

We understand that situations change and are we here to support you through all circumstances. If you need to increase, decrease, or discontinue your ministry fund commitment, you may email or call the Donor Relations team at 913-544-0256 and modify your commitment at any time. This helps ensure our records are accurate.

There are so many ways to give. Click here to visit our Ways to Give page for more information. For questions or help with your financial giving, please email the Finance Ministry or call 913-232-4171.

Donor Relations Team