We are wrapping up our time in Malawi and preparing for the long trip home.
We have been blessed to spend a relaxing day at Lake Malawi! It is a beautiful lake – one of the deepest and longest in the world. We have spent time sitting on the veranda and listening to the waves, enjoying good food and music in the evening and awed by the bright stars in the dark sky at night.
There are baboons in the area by us running free. We spent hours watching them – on the cars, with their babies and climbing gracefully on the rocks and trees.
Most of all, we continued to enjoyed the company and friendship of our team. We are so blessed to have Hugo and Chofundo to guide and teach us (some of us were a little slower to pick up the language lessons 🤣). Mary Beth is our fearless leader and graced us throughout the trip sharing her great stories and inspiring prayers. Dr. Bill led our clinical efforts with Kerstin and the 2 Sue’s. Tom led our pharmacy and ‘trained’ Jon and Jean for their next careers at CVS.
We have grown personally and spiritually. The Malawian people may not be rich materially but they are inspirational in their spirit. We are blessed to have been part of this service. We will leave soon but a piece of each of our hearts will stay here in Malawi!