Serving your community with your small group is a fantastic way to bond while making a positive impact.
As a group serves together at Avenue of Life, a community center in Kansas City to support the homeless, the gifts of these group member’s shine. One member volunteers to clean out the oven, spending more than two hours scrubbing away. Another group member goes right to work, assisting needs of walk-ins to find the clothing they need to stay warm in the winter cold. Some group members spent time connecting on their other recent serve experiences, while others stay focused on the task at hand. There is a sense of camaraderie. It feels safe, and comfortable, even though it is a place none of them has been before. It is the presence of their people, this small group of strangers who have become friends, confidants, and support outside of just small group meetings. Walking away from a serving experience changes the dynamics. It takes you to a place of feeling accomplished, together. Feeling you are slowly, one day at a time, giving to the Kingdom of God.