Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
Exodus 31
1 The LORD spoke to Moses: 2 Look, I have chosen Bezalel, Uri’s son and Hur’s grandson from the tribe of Judah. 3 I have filled him with the divine spirit, with skill, ability, and knowledge for every kind of work. 4 He will be able to create designs; do metalwork in gold, silver, and copper; 5 cut stones for setting; carve wood; and do every kind of work.
Exodus 35
30 Then Moses said to the Israelites: “Look, the LORD has chosen Bezalel, Uri’s son and Hur’s grandson from the tribe of Judah. 31 The LORD has filled him with the divine spirit that will give him skill, ability, and knowledge for every kind of work. 32 He will be able to create designs, do metalwork in gold, silver, and copper, 33 cut stones for setting, carve wood, do every kind of creative work, 34 and have the ability to teach others. Both he and Oholiab, Ahisamach’s son from the tribe of Dan, 35 have been given the skill to do every kind of work done by a gem cutter or a designer or a needleworker in blue, purple, and deep red yarns and in fine linen or a weaver or anyone else doing work or creating designs.
The book of Exodus recorded God making a covenant with the Israelites at Mount Sinai. One pivotal point came in Exodus 25:8 as God said, “They should make me a sanctuary so I can be present among them.” From there, nearly all of Exodus 25-30 carried detailed instructions for what all the items in the sanctuary (a tent—and by extension, the Temple in Jerusalem) should be like. But who could possibly have the skills to make so many beautifully elaborate pieces?
God, shape in me a heart willing to hear your call, willing to see all the skills you have given me, and willing to do wholeheartedly on my own or with others whatever you set before me. Amen.
Lydia Kim serves as one of the pastors of Connection and Care at Resurrection Leawood. An avid believer that growing in faith pairs well with fellowship and food, she is always ready for recommendations on local restaurants and coffee shops.
With Fall right around the corner, I find my social media full of Fall–Fall drinks, décor, sports, and fashion. I love Fall because I love sweaters, jackets, and coats. Each year I anticipate the day when all my “summer clothes” get put away to make room for Fall! Over the years what’s in style, what I like, even how I feel about football has changed. (Go Chiefs!) What hasn’t changed is my love for this season.
In the same way, while all our skills and abilities may be different, and how we express them might change with the seasons, what doesn’t change is that God has given each of us abilities and skills to share with one another. I love this promise. God is with us. Each one of us is important. And together we become something more beautiful than we could possibly imagine.
So whatever changes are happening in your life, remember that God’s Spirit is always at work in you. We as a community need you. And we need each other so that all might be able to worship God and Do Unto Others.
* Dennis T. Olson, study note on Exodus 31:1 in The CEB Study Bible. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2013, p. 136-137 OT.