Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.


Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.



To Know, Love, and Serve God

Welcome to Resurrection, A United Methodist Church. We hope you’ll take a minute to explore all the ministries and opportunities we offer and plan to visit one of our campuses in Leawood, Olathe, Downtown Kansas City, Blue Springs, Overland Park, Brookside, Spring Hill or Liberty this weekend (Lee’s Summit coming soon!) or join us for worship online.

Our Story

In 1990, the Church of the Resurrection was the vision of a 25-year-old pastor with bold dreams of reaching non-religious and nominally religious people in southern Kansas City who were not involved in a church.  Against prevailing wisdom, the church made its first home in a small chapel of a local funeral home.  As a small team of leaders gathered to plan the launch of this new church, they shared big hopes and dreams that this church would become a place where people would meet Jesus Christ, grow in their faith, experience authentic Christian community, and be inspired to live their faith in the world. The church’s name, Resurrection, points to the hope that the church seeks to radiate to our community.  

A lot has changed over the church’s 32 years.  Resurrection is now the largest church in Kansas City, the largest United Methodist Church in the United States and among the most influential churches in mainline Christianity.  The congregation has more than 24,000 active members, and thousands of people worship each weekend online, on television, and at one of six locations across the Kansas City area in Leawood, Downtown, Olathe, Blue Springs, Overland Park, Brookside, Spring Hill, Liberty and one more coming soon in Lee’s Summit.

What has not changed over the years is the church’s passion for helping people connect with God, grow in faith and serve as the hands and feet of Christ as we love and care for our neighbors in the community and the world. Resurrection continues to be a place where people from all walks of life can find a church home where they are welcomed, encouraged to explore and ask questions, and develop relationships with God and one another. 

The life of our church is guided by three statements:

Come dream with us as we continue our journey of knowing, loving and serving God in the greater Kansas City community and the world.

Our Values

Resurrection is committed to four values that guide everything we do as individuals and as a church.


We strive to be thought provoking. We know in life there are more questions than answers, and answers come only as we listen and learn from one another. We respect the opinions of others, even when we don’t agree, and do our best to remain humble.


We are outward focused. We are committed to leading and serving. We will speak truth to power when needed, and advocate for the marginalized at home and around the world.


We believe in building bridges. We welcome all – the different, the new, and the other. We are much better when the table is full.


We believe in the radiating hope of Jesus Christ. We believe we can reflect and radiate His truth, love and grace. We believe His Kingdom is here and now, and we seek to reveal it whenever and wherever we see it.

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Celebrating 30 years of Resurrection


Our Vision is to be used by God to change lives, strengthen churches, and transform the world. At Resurrection that looks like:

Living into our vision means doing our part to “close the gap” between the world as it is and the world as it should be. This is so important to us that we have chosen to focus on four gaps – areas where we believe we can make a significant difference in making our community and the world look more like the Kingdom of God. 

Vision 2030: Closing the Gap

When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God, he was speaking of the world as it should be. The driving passion of Church of the Resurrection’s Vision 2030 is to close the gap between what is and what should be in our lives, our community and our world between now and the year 2030.


LWD Leawood Building - 1920x1080


est. 1990

Resurrection launched in 1990 with four people and a dream to reach non-religious and nominally religious people. From there, Resurrection moved from a funeral home chapel, to an elementary school, to its first sanctuary on its own property. Resurrection Leawood continued to grow and opened its permanent sanctuary in 2017.
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DTN Downtown Building - 1920x1080
BSP Blue Springs Building - 1920x1080
OVP Overland Park Building - 1920x1080
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Liberty Chapel Picture
LWD Leawood Building - 1920x1080
WST West Building - 1920x1080
DTN Downtown Building - 1920x1080
BSP Blue Springs Building - 1920x1080
OVP Overland Park Building - 1920x1080
BKS Brookside Building - 1920x1080
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Liberty Chapel Picture

Ways to Get Involved