Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.


Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.


Vision 2030

Closing the Gap

What is God calling you to do to close the gap between the world as it is and the world as it should be? 

When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God, he was speaking of the world not as it is, but as it should be. As a congregation, we believe God calls us to actively close the gaps that exist between the world as it is today and the way it should be in our lives, across our community, and around the world.  We have identified a long-term vision that serves as a framework for ministry and leads to church-wide strategies which are revised annually under the leadership of the Church Council.  Our Vision is to significantly close four gaps by the year 2030.

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We will provide a roadmap to deepen the spiritual vitality of all Resurrection members, so we are more fully engaged and flourishing in the Christian life. We will provide resources, guidance and encouragement for one another on our faith journeys.  


We will connect new and younger people and raising a new generation of leaders while effectively reaching non-religious people in an increasingly secular community. We will create a unique church and community where all generations are valued, respected and cared for. 


We will address injustices and building bridges of healing in our city so that Kansas City looks more like the Kingdom of God. We will model for our community and world what it looks like to truly love our neighbors and practice the words of Micah 6:8 to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God.”


Break the cycle of poverty for children in Kansas City, giving each child the possibility of attaining a future with hope. We will work to ensure that every child in our community has access to education, food, housing, and healthcare.

Vision 2030: Closing the Gap

You are the light of the world... let your light shine before others that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.



We will provide a roadmap to deepen the spiritual vitality of all Resurrection members, so we are more fully engaged and flourishing in the Christian life.

  1. Develop a clear and compelling model for Christian discipleship built around “Five Essential Practices of the Christian life.”
  2. Align our discipleship efforts across ages and campuses using this model.
  3. Share this model, along with helpful resources for its implementation, with other United Methodist Churches in the hope that it is adopted by 1,000+ churches.
  4. With the help of this model, equip and inspire every Resurrection member to share their faith in word and action, with at least five people each year over the next 10 years, leading to a total of 1,000,000 acts of witness by 2030.


We will connect new and younger people and raise a new generation of leaders while effectively reaching non-religious people who live in an increasingly secular community.

  1. Increase our outreach to children through VBC, children and family programming and ministries for grandparents and grandchildren.
  2. Mentor and deploy an increasing number of young adult leaders.
  3. Launch five new campuses to reach new people, starting with Resurrection Overland Park.
  4. Develop succession plans for the congregation to prepare for passing the baton of pastoral and staff leadership.


We will address injustices and build bridges of healing in our city so that Kansas City looks more like the Kingdom of God.

  1. Create an annual focus on a local concern or issue of justice and educate, inspire and mobilize our members to close the gap, starting in 2019 with the epidemic of suicides in our community.
  2. Bring people together across faiths for mutual understanding and to stand with our neighbors of other faiths demonstrating a witness to the love of Christ.
  3. Focus on efforts to welcome diverse people so that our congregation mirrors the diversity of the broader community and the Kingdom of God.
  4. Lead a campaign for civility during major political campaigns between 2020-2030 to bring people together and counter polarization and acrimony, with social media and yard signs advocating for civility.


Break the cycle of poverty for children in Kansas City, giving each child the possibility of attaining a future with hope. Of the 6,800 four-year-olds in the KC metropolitan area, less than 1/3 have access to pre-school.

  1. Ensure every four-year-old who will attend our partner schools has access to pre-K education so that they are prepared to succeed in elementary school.
  2. Ensure children in the communities surrounding our partner schools have access to basic health care through mobile medical clinics offering basic health care, vision, dental and hearing screening.
  3. Address childhood hunger in the neighborhoods surrounding our partner schools by establishing new food pantries or supporting existing pantries.
  4. Increase the number of partner schools from the present eight to ten, including one partnership in each campus’ surrounding community.
Learn More About Our Guiding Model
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Watch Pastor Adam's Vision 2030 Sermon
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Long-Term Health

Strengthen Resurrection’s long-term health through a leadership succession plan, new legacy estate gifts, elimination of facility debt and development of team of lay Community Life Ministers.

Denominational Leadership

Strengthen the United Methodist Church by providing key leadership to the denomination, expanding, and investing in theological education for pastors in Africa and Eurasia.

Reducing Suicides

Positively impact the local community and the world by reducing the number of suicides in Kansas City to below half the number in 2017 and supporting at least one partner school in each of our global partner contexts.


To build a Christian community where non-religious and nominally religious people are becoming deeply committed Christians.


To be used by God to Change Lives, Strengthen Churches, and Transform the World.


To Know, Love, and Serve God.

Resurrection Distinctives


LWD Leawood Building - 1920x1080LWD Leawood Building - 1920x1080
est. 1990
Resurrection launched in 1990 with four people and a dream to reach non-religious and nominally religious people. From there, Resurrection moved from a funeral home chapel, to an elementary school, to it's first sanctuary on its own property. Resurrection Leawood continued to grow and opened its permanent sanctuary in 2017.
WST West Building - 1920x1080WST West Building - 1920x1080
est. 2006
Resurrection West launched in 2006 as the church's second location with the goal of expanding our mission and outreach to people living in Western Johnson County. West began in a middle school before purchasing land and building its permanent space in 2010.
DTN Downtown Building - 1920x1080DTN Downtown Building - 1920x1080
est. 2009
In 2009, Resurrection Downtown launched as our third location in the heart of Kansas City. Downtown started in a temporary location before purchasing its first building in 2012. In 2016, Downtown's new building was the first new church built in downtown Kansas City in 80 years.
BSP Blue Springs Building - 1920x1080BSP Blue Springs Building - 1920x1080
Blue Springs
est. 2010
Resurrection Blue Springs opened in 2010 as our fourth location, further expanding mission and outreach on the Missouri side of the Kansas City Metro.
OVP Overland Park Building - 1920x1080OVP Overland Park Building - 1920x1080
Overland Park
est. 2019
Resurrection increased its city-wide footprint with the addition of its fifth location, Resurrection Overland Park, in 2019.
BKS Brookside Building - 1920x1080BKS Brookside Building - 1920x1080
est. 2022
Resurrection Brookside opened in 2022 as our sixth location, expanding our worship reach in the Kansas City area.