Wednesday, February 5, Childcare at Leawood, West, Overland Park will not be open during morning due to local public school systems announcing late arrival schedules.  All church buildings will operate on regular schedule. However, at Leawood, West and Overland Park, programs requiring childcare will not be held prior to noon Wednesday.


On Sunday, February 9, we’re moving our regular 5 pm worship service to 4 pm so everyone can get home in time to watch the Chiefs play in the Super Bowl.

Crisis & Suicide Prevention

At Resurrection, we believe the worst thing is never the last thing.

We believe investing in physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being is crucial to living into God’s call for your life. When we find ourselves amid challenging seasons, it can take a community to remind us that God’s plan for us includes a “future filled with hope.” Remember:

  1. You are loved by, and matter to, God.
  2. No pain lasts forever.
  3. There is always hope.
  4. Others can help – just ask.

If you are concerned about your safety or the safety of others, we encourage you to call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room. In addition, you can call or text 988, which will connect you with a mental health professional.

Resources for Times of Crisis

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call or Text: 988

The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Crisis Text Message Line

Crisis Text Line is a United States nonprofit organization providing free crisis intervention via SMS message. The organization’s services are available 24 hours a day every day throughout the US by texting 741741.

Johnson County Mental Health Emergency Services

Johnson County Mental Health Center maintains professional clinical staff on duty 24-hours-a-day to provide mental health Emergency Services to Johnson County residents.

Behavioral Health Assessment Center

The Behavioral Health Assessment Center (Advent Medical Center) provides assessments by appointment.

Through This Together

1st & 3rd Tuesdays | 6:30 PM | Resurrection Downtown & Online

Through This Together Support Group is for those who have lost a friend or loved one to suicide. Even thinking about joining a support group after a suicide loss probably seems daunting. We’ve been there. Now, we’re here to help you take the first step toward healing. Through This Together is both an in-person & on-line, peer-led grief support group designed to offer a safe and confidential space for people to gather with those who have experienced a similar loss and be able to share and process with one another.

We invite you to join leaders Tom Phillips and Tammy Worley in this support group that meets year-round in-person & online from 6:30 – 8 pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. You do not need to be a member of Resurrection to join this support group.

Join us in-person at Resurrection Downtown in the McGee Building, 1522 McGee, or online via Google Meet. To receive the Google Meet link, please visit the following website: On this website you’ll fill out a short form and then be contacted by one of the leaders of the group. Note: If you use an iPhone or iPad you’ll have to download the Google Meet app.

Sermons & Videos

When Hope Seems Lost

A Sermon on Suicide for Suicide Prevention Week (2019)

Like a Broken Vessel

The Gospel and Suicide (2017)

Christianity and Suicide

Good Grief: Facing Death with Hope (2012)

Suicide Prevention

Panel Presentation on Suicide Prevention (2017)

Resurrection Resources

Resurrection Pastoral Care Team

Our Congregational Care pastors are here to offer support for all aspects of life, including those times that feel the darkest. To get connected with pastoral care, please call 913-544-0712. If you have a critical pastoral care need after office hours, please call 913-544-0799. The pastor on call will return your page as soon as possible.

Our Counseling Services also works to help connect our church family and community with mental health resources. This includes on-site counseling with master-level graduate interns as well referrals to experienced mental health professionals.  

Downloadable Family Discussion Guide

This guide is designed to give you and those around you the tools to make sure you’re planning, collaborating, and expending energy in a way that draws you closer together. We hope that by using this guide, families are better equipped to identify and share their emotional experiences with each other. We hope people will be more comfortable reaching out for help and more comfortable extending a hand to help others. If this sounds like something you’d appreciate, this guide is for you.

Anxiety/Depression Support Group

The Anxiety and Depression Support Group is a safe place where God’s healing can take place during your journey to a healthier life, free from anxiety and depression. During the meetings, we explore strategies for overcoming anxiety and depression through education, self-exploration, book studies, and group discussions. We support each other by sharing personal challenges in this small caring community as we strive for healthier lives. No registration required. We look forward to seeing you.

Through This Together: Survivor of Suicide Loss Support Group

Through This Together Support Group is for those who have lost a friend or loved one to suicide. Even thinking about joining a support group after a suicide loss probably seems daunting. We’ve been there. Now, we’re here to help you take the first step toward healing. Through This Together is both an in-person & online, peer-led grief support group designed to offer a safe and confidential space for people to gather with those who have experienced a similar loss and be able to share and process with one another. 

Books & Miscellaneous

After Suicide Loss: Coping with Your Grief

Bob Baugher, Pd.D., and Jack Jordan, Ph.D, 2002.

This excellent handbook is organized chronologically to follow the days, weeks, and months after a suicide loss. It includes straightforward information about psychiatric disorders, when to seek professional help, and practical strategies for coping and healing.

Remembering Garrett: One Family's Battle with a Child's Depression

United States Senator Gordon H. Smith, 2006.

A personal account by the U.S. Senator from Oregon, whose 21-year-old son took his own life, and whose speech on the Senate floor led to overwhelming bipartisan support for the passage of the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, which increased federal funding to prevent youth suicide.

Suicide Survivors' Club: A Family's Journey Through the Death of Their Loved One

Rebecca Anderson (Author, Suicide Loss Survivor), and Laurie Phillips (Artist, Storyteller), 2016.

This beautifully illustrated 5-book set depicts the aftermath of a husband/father’s suicide through the eyes and in the words of his wife and children (ages 19, 7, and 5).

The brief books Becky, Pattie, Aidan, and Will explore the feelings of suicide loss survivors of any age and the healing power of art. The fifth book, Parenting the Suicide Survivors’ Club, is a short memoir by mom Rebecca that reflects the challenges of holding a family together as the sole remaining parent.

Silent Grief: Living in the Wake of Suicide

Christopher Lukas and Henry Seidon, 2007.

Co-authored by a psychologist and a survivor of multiple suicide losses, this book is written with sensitivity and understanding. The authors offer simple, constructive suggestions for healing, along with straightforward information and a message of hope.

At Resurrection, we believe in the power of care within our community.

When life feels like it’s too much to bear, we want you to know we are here to care and support you, guiding you to healing and wholeness. You can find details about our support and care groups below.

For questions or more information about how Congregational Care can provide support for you, you can request care or call the church at 913-897-0120 during regular business hours (M – F, 9 am – 5 pm).

If you have a critical pastoral care need after office hours, please call 913-544-0799. The pastor on call will return your page as soon as possible.