Wednesday, February 5, Childcare at Leawood, West, Overland Park will not be open during morning due to local public school systems announcing late arrival schedules.  All church buildings will operate on regular schedule. However, at Leawood, West and Overland Park, programs requiring childcare will not be held prior to noon Wednesday.


On Sunday, February 9, we’re moving our regular 5 pm worship service to 4 pm so everyone can get home in time to watch the Chiefs play in the Super Bowl.


January 28, 2022

Dear Resurrection Family,

It’s an exciting weekend for those who live in Kansas City as the Chiefs host the AFC Championship Game. If we win this weekend, we’ll be at the Super Bowl for a third year in a row. Wear your Chiefs gear to worship if you are a fan.

As some of you know, nine days ago, I felt a cold coming on. By last Saturday, LaVon suggested I test for COVID, and my test turned up positive. For me, my symptoms this week were a scratchy throat and fatigue. I’m feeling great today. We follow the revised CDC protocols for our staff, and that includes being able to return to work in person 6 days after symptoms began provided you are symptom free. Masks are required through day 10. I’m heading in to record this weekend’s sermon in a few minutes and anticipate being in worship for the 9 and 11 am services this weekend.

I had COVID before, and had all three shots, but still got it. I’m grateful my symptoms were mild. I want to encourage you to wear your mask to worship this weekend. It is a simple way to minimize the spread of COVID. And, if you are going to the Chiefs’ game, I’d encourage you to wear your mask there as well.


This weekend I’ll continue with our sermon series, Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith, by turning to one of the most difficult questions, one that often leads to doubt: Why do our prayers go unanswered? A woman in our congregation battling terminal cancer told me her teenage kids have asked this question of her – if God is there, why isn’t he answering our prayers for you? I’ve known many people who lost their faith over this very question. Jesus said, “Whatever you ask for, believing, you will receive,” and “Ask and it will be given you,” and “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, be removed and cast into the sea and it will be done for you.” How do we reconcile that with unanswered prayers?

We’ll talk about how prayer “works” and my best attempts to reconcile this in my own mind, after serving as your pastor for 32 years where, while I’ve often seen prayers answered, I have seen many situations where they were not, at least not as we had prayed. Invite a friend to join you this weekend for worship as we wrestle with the question of unanswered prayer. I believe you’ll find this message helpful and inspiring.

Invite a friend to join you for worship!

IN PERSON at one of our five locations:
—Leawood location at 7:30, 9, 11 am (traditional at 11 in the sanctuary, modern at 11 in the Foundry) or 5 pm
—Downtown location Saturday at 5 pm or Sunday at 9 or 11 am
—Blue Springs, Olathe (West) and Overland Park locations Sunday at 9 or 11 am.
ONLINE at on Saturday at 5 pm or Sunday at 7:30, 9 and 11 am or 5 pm
TELEVISION on KMCI Channel 38 at 8 am or 11 am
ON DEMAND on YouTube throughout the week


This weekend at the conclusion of the 9 am worship service at Leawood, we’ll recognize the ministry of Kelly Williams, our Lead Director of Finance and Accounting who is retiring February 1. We’ll have a reception for her from 10:15 to 10:55 am in the Narthex. Kelly joined our team in January of 1995, becoming our first Director of Finance and Accounting, a role she has served in for 27 years. It’s impossible to express the impact she has had on the ministry of this church. Throughout her career, Kelly has served you, the congregation, ensuring the church is a good steward of the gifts you so generously give, funding ministry that is changing lives and transforming the world. And, she has done this with grace and love. Join us at the 9 am service as we recognizing her at the conclusion of the service, or for the reception from 10:15 to 10:55 am in the Narthex.


In 2021, through the Food Mobile, the Overland Park Food Pantry and our Partner Food Pantries, we distributed over 180 tons of food to those most vulnerable in Kansas City. The needs continue, and you can help us “Sack Hunger” in our community through our Hunger Stoppers Super Bowl Food Drive in three ways:

  • Donate Food – Pick up a grocery bag at all of our locations after worship this weekend, fill it with the items on the shopping list, and bring it back with you to worship by February 13 or the collection drop off at each location on February 19. You can also find the grocery list on the website.
  • Donate Funds – We’ll use your gifts for bulk food purchases, as well as fresh items. Here’s the online donation link. If you prefer to give by check, please note “Food Drive” in the memo area.
  • Volunteer – Sort donations, stock shelves, deliver food, and assist with the food pantry and Food Mobile. If you’re interested in serving with Hunger Stoppers, here’s a link.

Learn more about Hunger Stoppers →


In the United Methodist Church every congregation holds, once a year, what is called the Church Conference. At this gathering we elect governance committee members, we approve the budget, we vote on pastoral compensation, we approve candidates for ministry and we share in our annual state of the church reports. Plan to join us for our Church Conference on Tuesday, February 1, at 7 pm. You can attend in person in the Foundry (Building B at the Leawood location) or join us on a Zoom call.

RSVP to let us know you’re coming →


If you’ve been worshipping with us – in person or online – and have considered becoming a member and making Resurrection your church home, I’d like to invite you to join us next Sunday, February 6, at 2 pm online for our “Coffee with the Pastors.” At this informal gathering, you’ll learn more about the church, get to know our pastors and staff and review expectations regarding membership. Then, toward the end, there is a short joining ceremony for those ready to become members.

Register for Coffee with the Pastors →


As our finance team is closing the books on 2021, I wanted to say thank you for your amazing generosity. For 2021 we maintained a very conservative budget, holding the line from 2020, because our leaders were uncertain what impact COVID would have on church giving for the year. But you exceeded our expectations and our budget. This is huge and allows us to move forward on ministries and projects we had put on hold due to COVID. I can’t tell you how much this means to the church’s ministry and how proud I am of you.

For 2022, the average pledge increased by 9.6%, one of the largest increases that we’ve ever seen. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Your generosity tells me that your faith is deepening and your love for God is growing. Your commitment to Christ’s work at Resurrection is remarkable. Thank you!


This year’s Vacation Bible Camp is the week of July 18-21 at all locations, and the theme is “Hero U.” Registration opens Tuesday, February 1, for children and grandchildren of VBC volunteers. VBC is for children who have just completed Kindergarten through 5th grade. Preschool children may attend if they have an adult who is volunteering for that week. Sign up now to volunteer and register your child early. Here’s the link to register. Registration opens to everyone else March 1.


This week, at Tuesday Vespers on Facebook Live, I’m going to start with a few minutes devoted to the question of cremation and the Bible. Then we’ll go a bit deeper into the question of unanswered prayer and how prayer works, sharing some of what I had to cut from this weekend’s message. Join me at 7:30 pm on Facebook Live, at my Facebook page: Pastor Adam Hamilton on Facebook. You’ll also be able to view it on my Facebook page or the church’s YouTube page after Tuesday night.


This week some of our staff and leaders had the joy of being at Advent Hospital to distribute coffee and offer encouragement to employees there. We distributed gift cards for free coffee or other drinks from the hospital café at Advent and Research, and provided cookies and treats at KU Med. We’re doing the same at a couple of other hospitals in the next couple of weeks – 33,000 healthcare workers in all. As we planned this drive, starting with Advent Health, the hospital decided it wanted to pay it forward and do the same for Olathe Medical Center. And Olathe Medical Center decided to pay it forward to Children’s Mercy Hospital.

We also ran a television spot our team produced in house last Sunday night just before and just after the football game, and the game ended up having a huge television audience. The commercial was meant to encourage healthcare workers and to invite those who saw it to encourage healthcare workers. Hundreds of thousands of people saw the spots. If you haven’t seen the commercial, click here to watch it.

The drive is not so much about coffee, but encouragement. And we’ve heard from so many who experienced that from your acts of kindness. All total, you donated $65,000 to provide coffee or treats for healthcare workers to date. I wanted you to see the certificates that were given to each employee – this is the certificate from Advent, but the others were similar.


Once more, I’m so proud of you, Church of the Resurrection, and the way you seek to express Christ’s love to others!


Adam Hamilton

Resurrection Senior Pastor

Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.

Adam’s writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.

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