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Special Election Day Message

November 5, 2024
Special Election Day Message
November 5, 2024

Dear Resurrection Family,

On this historic day when our country elects national, state and local leaders, I have a couple of things I want to share with you.


First, if you haven’t voted yet, make sure that you are exercising this privilege and responsibility as a citizen. When you vote, I’d like to encourage you to wear your Do Unto Others button or t-shirt and remember to thank your poll workers. These members of our community are performing an important and vital civic duty. Some are your fellow Resurrection members too!

We’re serving meals and having treats for election workers who are operating the polls at several of our Resurrection locations.


Second, I’d like you to pray for our nation. This weekend in worship we handed out a bookmark with a prayer on one side and a pledge to live out Jesus’ command to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” on the other. You can download and print this here to pray throughout the day. Here is the text of the prayer. I’d love you to pause to pray this prayer now:

Gracious God, thank you for the blessing of living in a country where “liberty and justice for all” are core values, one where we have the privilege of electing our leaders.

Guide us to make wise decisions in the election and to choose leaders who will seek to be just, kind and humble.

Finally, help me to be part of the solution to polarization, and not part of the problem. Lead me to be kind and curious and to treat others as I want to be treated. Help me to love my neighbors.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


I also hope you’ll take the time to reflect on the words of the pledge on the bookmark and make this your personal commitment:

I pledge to exercise my right to vote as a sacred act that reflects my values as a follower of Jesus. I will ask God to guide my heart and mind in choosing leaders who will work for the well-being of all people.

Regardless of how the election turns out, I will treat those who voted differently from me with kindness and curiosity. I will seek to understand their concerns and aspirations, and I will look for opportunities to work with people with whom I disagree.

It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, if the candidates you support win, don’t gloat. Be aware that there are others who may be feeling anxious and disappointed. In last Sunday’s sermon, I encouraged you to find at least one way to “bind up our nation’s wounds” this week following the election.


Finally, if you are feeling stressed and anxious about the election, here are a few tips that our staff have put together to help you through this time.
  • Spend time reading scripture and praying. Recognize that regardless of who is elected to office, to God alone belong the kingdom, the power and the glory. Here are a few scriptures you might find helpful: Psalm 46:1-10, Psalm 23, and Romans 8.
  •  Recognize that uncertainty is what is fueling your anxiety. Step back and assess if your fear is real or perceived. Focus on what you can control.
  •  Limit your screen time. Step away from the television and social media for a while. It may be days before this election is finalized. Just because there is a 24-hour news cycle, it doesn’t mean you have to watch 24 hours a day
  •  Do what brings you joy. Explore nature, music, art, sports, and have dinner with friends or family.


I’ll be launching the pilot of my podcast Making Sense of Faith tomorrow, reflecting upon the election in the light of our faith. It will be available sometime late afternoon Wednesday. You can go to and click on the “get updates” button to receive an email when the first episode launches.

In Christ’s love,


Adam Hamilton

Resurrection Senior Pastor

Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.

Adam’s writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.

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