Church programs for Monday, Jan. 22 will resume their normal schedule at all locations this evening.
Leawood’s Sunday night in-person worship has been moved to 4 pm for Sunday, February 11.
Dear Resurrection Family,
I hope you’re staying warm! I’ve been praying for those serving and staying in emergency shelters this week, as well as those without power not only across our city, but across the country.
Our mission team has been reaching out to our community partners to see how we can help, and we have put together a list of Kansas City warming and homeless shelters and the specific donations they need right now. Here’s the link if you would like to help.
If you are outside of the Kansas City area, we encourage you to find a local homeless or warming shelter and provide a donation of warm clothing, coats, linens or other necessities.
I’m really excited about this year’s Lenten season! As a congregation we’ll Walk with Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. Each weekend I’ll be preaching from Mark, the earliest of our gospels to be written. As a congregation we’ll be reading the gospel on our own and studying it in groups all as a way of deepening our walk with Christ. We’re participating with over 300 other churches in KC doing the same as a part of the One KC initiative.
This weekend I’ll kick-off our study focusing on Mark 1:1-13 where John the Baptist calls to repent in order to prepare the way for Jesus. Lent is a season of repentance – the Hebrew word for repent is shuva which means “to return.” John the Baptist, then Jesus, and later the apostles, called people to repent. What does this look like for us? What do we need to repent of? What does genuine repentance look like? Please have a pen and paper handy as well as a cup of water – we’ll use these at the end of the sermon!
Join us for worship at Saturday at 5 pm or Sunday at 7:30 am, 9:15 am, 11 am or 5 pm, on KMCI Channel 38 at either 8 am or 11 am Central Time, or on demand on our YouTube Channel. You can also worship on your smart TV if your device allows you to stream channels on Apple TV, ROKU, Amazon Fire, or Google TV. To find the channel, just search for “Resurrection Online” and look for our cross-and-flame logo on a bright blue background.
In addition to the weekly sermon, we’re all reading and studying the Gospel of Mark together this Lent. Here are great opportunities to help you do that:
I am overwhelmed by the number of you who braved the snow and frigid temperatures to donate blood this week. On Monday and Tuesday, during the worst weather conditions our blood drives have ever endured, 602 people came to donate, resulting in 596 pints collected.
These donations will help replace critically low supplies in our community and provide the gift of life to hundreds!
As the COVID numbers are coming down we’re making plans to returni to in-person worship. Next week, our elected leaders and lead team will be meeting to set the date. We’d like you to weigh in as well. Please take a minute, click here, and fill out this quick survey.
We have our regular drive-up, drop-off donation event this Saturday, February 20, from 9 am – noon. This Saturday we are collecting specific clothing, personal care and computer items needed by our community partners.
Clothing Needs:
Computer Needs:
Did you know we have four Cristo Rey High School students serving on our staff this year?
Here’s a bit about Cristo Rey: The school “provides a Catholic, college and career prep education enhanced by an innovative corporate work study program to culturally diverse, ambitious students with economic need.” Located in Westport, they provide not only a great education, but every student is required to work one day a week for an approved employer, the funds helping to provide for their education, while learning and being mentored in a great work environment. The employer gets a great young person working for them and the chance to invest in that young person’s life.
I’ll be speaking at a Zoom event this week for Cristo Rey, Thursday, February 25 from 10–11 am. I mention this because I think some of you might be interested in becoming a “Cristo Rey Champion” and having students on your staffs. In doing so you get an amazing young person working with you while you help break the cycle of poverty.
If you’d like more information or to join the Zoom call Thursday, reach out to Ted Koppen by clicking here.
Next Thursday, February 25, at 6 pm, I will be part of a panel discussion on Zoom, sponsored by the Mainstream Coalition. The topic is “The Road Ahead: Transcending the Political Divide” and other panel participants include Rep. Sharice Davids, U.S. Congress, 3rd District of Kansas; Dr. Barbara Bollier, former KS State Senator and 2020 US Senate Candidate; Stephanie Sharp, Political adviser, former KS State Rep and JCCC Trustee; and Moderator Brandon Kenig, former Shawnee City Council Member and co-host of the Two Men in the Middle podcast.
This is a free event, but space is limited. Here’s the link if it’s something you might be interested in.
One last reminder, if you want to watch the movie Holy Frit!, the independent film about the making of the Resurrection Window that I’ve been telling you about, you only have until next Thursday, February 25, when the SlamDance Film Festival ends. This is a remarkable story. The festival fee of $10 gives you access over 100 films, all on demand. Click here to sign up for the SlamDance Film Festival.
I’m looking forward to being back in the pulpit and worshipping with you virtually this weekend!
In Christ’s Love,
Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.
Adam’s writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.
Watch for the “Next” newsletter in your email on Tuesday. This newsletter includes a personal message from your location pastor (Wendy, Anne, Bill, Penny, Joshua and Ashley) and opportunities for you to engage and connect at your location. If you’re not receiving it right now, you can sign up here.