Due to anticipated weather conditions, all in-person programs have been canceled on Wednesday, February 12 until 5pm at each of the church’s locations. A decision regarding Wednesday evening programs will be made and posted no later than 3pm.
On Sunday, February 9, we’re moving our regular 5 pm worship service to 4 pm so everyone can get home in time to watch the Chiefs play in the Super Bowl.
Kids are going back to school, vacations are ending, and we’re getting ready for an exciting fall at Resurrection with fall kick-off this weekend! Our granddaughter, Stella started 4th grade this week. She was so excited!
As students are back to school, we’ll celebrate our Fall Kick-Off this weekend at Resurrection! Our kids move up a grade in Sunday School and we’ve got special treats after each service at all locations for kids and adults. As we encourage you to “Pop” back into worship we’ll have popcorn, popsicles, ice cream treats and Pop-Tarts – different treats at each location and different worship times! Plan to stick around after church and enjoy!
I’m excited to be back in the pulpit as we begin a new sermon series called Three Powerful Gifts: The Church and Her Sacraments. We’ll kick things off with “The Purpose, Power and Potential of the Church.” We know the church is not a building, but people. Jesus described it as his people, his community. Paul described the church as Christ’s body – his continuing presence in the world. You and I need the church. The gospel presumes we will live our faith together, loving one another, encouraging one another, serving one another, and working together to see God’s Kingdom come and God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I believe this will be a powerful and inspiring message that you won’t want to miss. Invite someone to worship with you. At the end of worship we’ll not only have treats for you to enjoy, but we’re giving away the new Resurrection window decal.
Here’s the 30 second video you can share with friends. If you can’t be in person at a Resurrection location, please join us online here.
Over the next two weeks at each Resurrection location (except Brookside and online), we’ll be having a series of special gatherings to reveal upcoming building plans for your location. These will be exciting and you won’t want to miss them. We’ll begin with food and fellowship, then show you the architect’s renderings, describing what is being proposed and why. Then, we’ll actually walk you into the spaces to be built or renovated as they are today. We’ll invite you to imagine all that God will do through these spaces in the decades ahead. If you feel a commitment to Resurrection, I hope you’ll plan to be a part of one of these gatherings. To attend one of these special events, click on your location and register: Leawood, West, Downtown, Blue Springs, Overland Park. We’ll be sharing plans with Brookside and our online and television ministry in September.
Did you know that 2,300 people are already signed up for small groups, classes and Bible studies at Resurrection this fall? If you hope to grow deeper in your faith and to get to know and develop meaningful relationships with fellow church members, this is the time to sign up for a class. We are launching an exciting lineup of Adult Discipleship classes this fall, including Disciple Bible Study, Meet Your Bible, Financial Peace University, men’s groups and women’s groups, as well as Sunday School offerings. These classes and groups are available across all our locations, some are just a few weeks long and others continue through the entire year. They start the week of August 30. Explore the complete schedule of days, times and locations at cor.org/next. Also, it’s not too late to sign up for a small group! That link is at cor.org/next also.
If you’ve been thinking about becoming a member at Resurrection, I invite you to take the first step and join us for Coffee with the Pastors at any of our locations or online on Sunday, August 27, from 2 – 4 pm. At this gathering, you will learn more about the church, meet the pastors and staff, and I’ll share with you what it means to be a member and Christ follower at Resurrection. Toward the end of the session, we’ll have a brief joining ceremony for those ready to become members. Childcare is available. You can learn more and register here.
Our monthly Serve Saturday is tomorrow. We still have a lot of open slots for serving around the city. This is an easy way to meet some new people and see what Resurrection and our partners are doing in the community. Just go to the registration link, find the location and position that interests you, and sign up. This is also a great way to invite friends to connect with the Resurrection community.
We have been exploring possible new locations for Resurrection campuses to launch in the next couple of years and we’re trying to gauge the interest level, and number of current Resurrection attendees and their friends who live in these areas. Resurrection currently owns 80 acres on 175th Street, west of Pflumm, so we’ve had a south Johnson County location on our radar for some time. We’ve also been approached about starting a new location on the west side of Lee’s Summit. Finally, we’ve been asked about launching a Resurrection location in Liberty. We’re simply in the discernment process right now, exploring the needs and interest. If you live in one of these areas and have an interest, or have friends who do, please click this link, and let us know; or, share the link with family or friends who may have an interest.
Miracle of Innocence, co-founded by Resurrection Pastor Darryl Burton, will hold their 6th Annual “Turning Dreams into Reality” celebration event on Friday, September 8, beginning at 5:30 pm in the Resurrection Leawood Foundry (Building B). Miracle of Innocence is a non-profit organization that works to help free innocent men and women from prison and provide care for them when they come home. The event features dinner, music, dancing, and a live and silent auction. If you are interested in learning more, attending or donating, you can do so on their website.
Next Tuesday, I’ll be coming to you for Vespers live on Facebook at 7:30 pm. Check out my Facebook page Tuesday afternoon to find out the topic for the night! Join me here on my Facebook page or view it after Tuesday on the YouTube page.
It’s going to be a great fall kick-off weekend, don’t miss worship!
P.S. Each week I try to share a few opportunities in this enote to help you grow in your faith, but I hope you are also subscribing to and reading your location newsletter that comes out each Tuesday. These are filled with information to help you get connected with Resurrection. Here’s the link to subscribe today.
Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.
Adam’s writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.