Weather Alert:

Church programs for Monday, Jan. 22 will resume their normal schedule at all locations this evening.

Programming Note:

Leawood’s Sunday night in-person worship has been moved to 4 pm for Sunday, February 11. 

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Weekly Update from Pastor Adam - January 19, 2024

January 19, 2024
January 19, 2024

Please note below the change to this Sunday night’s in person worship time at Leawood.

After a two-day reprieve, we’re back to frigid temperatures again this weekend! It was amazing how many people attended last weekend in person when so many churches in Kansas City were closed. And of course, many more online and on TV. You amaze me with your commitment and devotion to Christ as demonstrated in your worship.
I’ve got some exciting and important things to share with you today. Please at least scan to the end.


I have known many people whose spouses left because they loved their work more than their spouse. I’ve known people who loved power, more than they loved God. I’ve seen the destruction that happens when people come to place the desire for pleasure at the center of their lives. St. Augustine once said that “the essence of sin is disordered love.” Augustine (354-430) went on to describe how our disordered and misdirected love keeps us from happiness and can lead to misery. That’s what we’re going to consider this weekend as we continue our series on To Know What Love Is.

This is a simple sermon, but powerful, and with a reminder we all need to make sure we rightly order our love and direct it in the right places. We’ll look at examples of disordered love, the Seven Deadly Sins as misdirected love, and how we rightly order our love. If you know someone who has struggled with loving the wrong things or loving the right things but in the wrong order, invite them to join you this weekend. This sermon applies to everyone. Invite your friends and join us for worship this weekend, in person, online or on TV!


This Sunday night the Chiefs play in the second round of the playoffs at 5:30 pm. Our Leawood Sunday night 5 pm service will be held at 4 pm this weekend. This allows our Sunday night worshipers to enjoy worship and enjoy the big game. As we talk about rightly ordering our loves, I can imagine someone saying: “Resurrection values the Chiefs more than God!” But I see it differently: We value gathering people in worship more than we value a particular worship start time! 😊

If you are a Chiefs’ fan, wear your gear to church (if you are a Bills’ fan, or a fan of one of the other playoff teams, wear your gear too!).


On Sunday, Jan. 28, I’ll be preaching on Until We are Parted by Death focused on romantic love. We’ll see what the Bible says about this kind of love. We’ll also draw upon your experiences. We’ve prepared a short survey on relationships that I’d like you to take – we want to know what singles say they find attractive in a potential romantic partner. For those who are divorced, we want to learn from you what led to divorce. For those who are married, we want to learn what’s working, what blesses you, but also what you fight about. And for those who are widowed, we want to learn from you and your experiences. I’d be grateful if you would take the survey. We’ll share the results next weekend! Click here to take this brief survey.


I am so proud of you, Resurrection. On one night, Christmas Eve, you gave $2,162,119 to bless and serve low-income children and their families. Approximately half will be used here in Kansas City and half in other parts of the world. Your generosity continues to amaze me! I can’t wait to see the impact our Christmas Eve Offering will make on our community and global partners. The Mobile Dental Unit that we are purchasing for Swope Health has been ordered and is under construction. This very specialized customization of the dental bus may take up to a year, but we’re looking forward to celebrating when it’s delivered. Through it, you will provide 2,700 children each year the chance to access dental care. Throughout the year, I’ll be sharing other ways this special offering is bringing hope and changing lives to children and families in Kansas City and around the globe.


In early December, I sent a note to you mentioning my concern about giving in 2023. We were trending such that we anticipated being behind budget by $622,000 at year end. We anticipated this was in part due to the capital campaign, and perhaps timing of giving. I just received the year end giving numbers and I’m so glad to report that in December we made up over $500,000 of the shortfall and ended up under budget by just $100,000. This was huge. Thank you to each of you who gave so generously in December.

I also want to share that our Generation to Generation capital campaign giving across all of our locations has been strong. Commitment weekend was the first weekend in October, though lead donors had committed earlier. In the first three months after commitment weekend, we have received 34% of all that was pledged over the next three years! Thank you to those who already paid their pledges in full, that benefits us by saving interest costs and is a huge benefit.


Speaking of making an impact, Resurrection is offering exciting serve trip opportunities both domestically and globally, catering to all ages in the coming year. I’ve challenged all of our members, who are able, to consider participating in a serve trip sometime. These trips are opportunities to love our neighbors around the world, but I promise you will find your life changed by the experience. Click here to check out the adventures that await you. 


International Holocaust Remembrance Day is January 27, and Resurrection is hosting this special event with the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education on Tuesday, Jan. 23, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. The program features a panel of second-generation Holocaust survivors who will share their families’ stories of resilience and hope. The free event will be in the Foundry (Building B) at Resurrection Leawood, and there will also be an option to join online. It is important that we continue to hear these testimonies and the lessons of the past that can inspire hope for the future. I encourage you to join us for this unique opportunity to hear the stories of Holocaust survivors as shared by the adult children, many of whom are our friends and neighbors. Please register here to assist us with planning. 


Every day, I encounter amazing women – grandmothers, mothers, daughters and sisters who are selflessly pouring themselves into their family and friends as they also lead, work and serve in our community. And, although we don’t always show it or say it, you are beloved!

That’s the theme of the Resurrections Women’s Conference, Feb. 2-3. This is an opportunity for you to experience this love and to invest in yourself, your faith, and your community. The entire conference is an experience inspired by women, led by women, for all women. We have incredible keynote speakers lined up: Melissa Urban, the co-founder and CEO of Whole30, a seven-time New York Times bestselling author (including the instant bestseller
The Book of Boundaries) and an authority on helping people create lifelong healthy habits; and Jami Nato, a blogger, Instagram influencer, serial entrepreneur and author of This Must Be the Place: Following the Breadcrumbs of Your Past to Discover Your Purpose Today.The conference includes inspiring music, interesting breakouts, and time to connect with other women.

The conference is intended to remind you that you always have been and always will be loved. You deserve this experience that will refill your cup and help you live into the woman that you are created to be. Register here today, and don’t miss Beloved!


Join me and sportscaster, Joel Goldberg at Arrowhead Stadium on Saturday, Feb. 24, from 9 am – 1 pm for our Men’s Conference.  We’ll talk to Joel about the Royals and about Leadership – he has a great leadership podcast and has written a book on the subject. I’ll be sharing about leadership, but also on how our faith speaks to our relationships with our family and friends, and we’ll look at examples of men in scripture who got it right, and who got it wrong.

I’m excited to be sharing with you about how scripture guides us in becoming “real men.”  This is an opportunity to connect with other Resurrection men and gain valuable knowledge and insights to help you grow in your faith. Here’s the registration link.


If you are a pastor or church leader involved in caring for your congregation, you might be interested in an upcoming webinar. The Caring Congregation, a non-profit ministry, will present the webinar on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 23-24, from 9 am – 4 pm CT. This online course is designed to help churches of all sizes equip pastors, staff, and laity to provide excellent care for their congregations and communities. Here is the link to learn more and register.


On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, I was in Ohio speaking to United Methodist pastors and to laity. I began in Columbus speaking to 500 (mostly) pastors, half online and half in-person, about leadership and the future of the UMC. Bishop Gregory Palmer then interviewed me, and together we fielded questions from the audience. My hope was to inspire and encourage these pastors, some of whom had a difficult year as churches in their area disaffiliated from the denomination. It was a great morning. From there we traversed the state, speaking in Athens in the afternoon, then on to Cincinnati (Mason) that night. The next morning, I spoke in Findlay (Toledo) and on to Cleveland that afternoon. 
At each of these speaking engagements, I was sharing from my book, Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith. We spoke about doubt, and why it is important to be a church for skeptics and doubters, then we took the top six doubts people wrestle with and discussed possible responses to doubt. In the end I shared a vision of the kind of church I think Jesus wants us to be. The responses were so positive – my aim was that it might be a two-day revival – a bit of encouragement and spiritual nourishment for these folks. I think we had about 2,000 people, total, across the locations. The people in Ohio were terrific. 
Below are a couple of pictures, first of Findlay UMC and their BE Campaign signs – they reminded me of the influence you have as a church. I believe many of the churches in Ohio will be joining in our fall Do Unto Others campaign. It was an exhausting two days, but also so very moving. The second are just a couple of pics at one of the events. I was given Buckeyes, an Ohio State Jersey, a Joe Burrow Bengals cup and a Browns pennant! 


This Tuesday night, in place of Vespers, I hope you’ll join me for the Holocaust Education Panel (see above) at 6:30 pm either at Resurrection Leawood or online. It’s going to be very moving. I will be opening the event welcoming everyone, then attending to listen in. Join me!

Finally, I want to thank Pastor Cheryl Jefferson Bell, our pastor of community justice, and our mission’s team and all of you who donated blankets, gloves, hats, and coats as we helped open a warming center in the former Roeland Park United Methodist Church. I was so grateful and proud of all of you who helped make this possible. It is in use today as well.

Stay warm, and I’ll see you in worship! (And don’t forget Sunday night at Leawood is at 4 pm not 5!)


P.S. Check out your location newsletter on Tuesday for more opportunities to get connected with Resurrection. Here’s the link to subscribe.

Adam Hamilton

Resurrection Senior Pastor

Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.

Adam’s writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.

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Watch for the “Next” newsletter in your email on Tuesday. This newsletter includes a personal message from your location pastor (Wendy, Anne, Bill, Penny, Joshua and Ashley) and opportunities for you to engage and connect at your location. If you’re not receiving it right now, you can sign up here.

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