Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
January 31, 2025
Dear Resurrection Family,
I’d like to invite you to continue to join me in praying for the families of those killed yesterday in the collision of American Flight 5342 and the Blackhawk helicopter in DC. The world goes on for the rest of us, but for these families, their world has come to a stop, the grief and pain seem unbearable.
This is true around the world at any given moment for those affected by tragedy. And while Christians face tragedy with hope, we’re also meant to “weep with those who weep.”
On a more positive note, we have some exciting things happening this weekend and in the days ahead, and I want to tell you about them. Don’t miss reading to the end – the last paragraph of my e-note is something I’d love for you to be praying about.
This weekend we’ll conclude our sermon series on The People Jesus Loved with clips from The Chosen. My sermon is titled, “Get Used to Thinking Different” from something Jesus says in episode 7 of season one of The Chosen. He says this to Peter as Peter objects to Jesus’ calling of Matthew, the tax collector, to be one of the disciples.
It’s interesting that despite their being often despised by both religious leaders and ordinary people (for reasons we’ll learn in this weekend’s sermon), tax collectors were drawn to both John the Baptist and Jesus. Twenty-three times tax collectors are mentioned in the gospels, more than any other profession. Jesus upends things when he welcomes the tax collectors. This would be a great message for your friends who have experienced Christians who are judgmental, hypocritical and self-righteous. (A recent Ipsos survey found about 50% of unchurched people describe Christians in these ways.) I’m looking forward to sharing this message with you. Get used to thinking different!
Are you a regular visitor to Resurrection? Do you feel like it is a good fit for you, a church you’d like to call your own? Join me and our other location pastors this weekend for what we’ve called for years, Coffee with the Pastors, and which is being rebranded as Explore Resurrection! It is an inspiring event where you’ll meet other regular visitors exploring membership, you’ll get to know our pastors and staff, and I’ll share with you a bit of what it means to be a Christian, a United Methodist and a member of Resurrection. This month we’re inviting visitors from all of our locations to join us at Leawood, along with your location pastors.
We’ll gather at 2 pm either in the Resurrection Leawood Foundry (Building B) or you can join us online via Zoom. After the presentation, we’ll have a short break, and then those who are ready to join will join in a 15-minute joining time. It is a very moving experience. I’d love for you to join us! You can let us know you’re coming and get the zoom link here.
Our annual church conference is Tuesday, Feb. 4, from 7 – 8:30 pm in the Leawood Foundry (Building B) or online. We will be approving elected leaders for governance committees, evaluating candidates for ministry, discussing the 2025 budget and receiving important reports. Everyone is welcome to attend and church members present either in person or via Zoom (using this Zoom link) may vote.
You can donate in several ways: 1) collect and donate non-perishable food items listed here; 2) make a monetary donation that will help us provide fresh meat, dairy, and produce here; and 3) volunteer your time with our hunger ministries. This information is all on our website here.
My podcast aims to bring together questions of faith and the connection between religion and other areas of life. This current week’s podcast was about Making Sense of the Bible. This coming week (the podcast launches on Tuesdays in place of Vespers), I’ll be taking to you to explore the Smithsonian traveling exhibit on human origins currently being housed at Saint Paul School of Theology in Resurrection Leawood’s building C. I’ll be interviewing Dr. Nancy Howell, a systematic theologian whose passion is the connection between science and faith. This special traveling exhibit is at Saint Paul for a limited time and you are welcome to come and explore it. For more information about it, click here. To watch or listen to my podcast, Making Sense of Faith, click here.
I wanted to share some exciting updates with you about our newest location, Resurrection Lee’s Summit. Pastors Robert Johnson and Ally Drummond have been working with their launch team to prepare for the grand opening of our ninth KC area location. We’re happy to share that Resurrection Lee’s Summit will begin worshipping together soon at The Pavilion at John Knox Village. Preview services will be at 10 am on March 16 and March 30, with the grand opening scheduled for Palm Sunday, April 13, at 10 am. If you have friends and family who live in the Lee’s Summit area, please invite them to join us at Resurrection Lee’s Summit!
We’re grateful for the opportunity to work with the amazing staff at John Knox Village to host worship at The Pavilion once we launch this new location. Since The Pavilion is a multi-use event space within the community, we’ve known that we would need to eventually find our permanent building space.
Recently, Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Lee’s Summit began having conversations about whether they might join with Resurrection as we launch this new location in Lee’s Summit. They are a terrific group of people. We’ve met with them and had a chance to get to know their staff, and they have gotten to know us. We’re both United Methodist congregations sharing a similar mission. We’re still planning on launching Resurrection Lee’s Summit at John Knox Pavillion Palm Sunday. But should Aldersgate vote to join with us, they will formally close and together we would launch Resurrection Lee’s Summit. They’ve got a vibrant pre-school and terrific buildings on 150 hwy. They will have a vote this Sunday on where God is leading them. If they vote to formally close and join with us, our Church Conference will vote on this this coming Tuesday evening. Please join me in praying for the people of Aldersgate UMC as they prepare for Sunday and this important vote.
With love,
Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.
Adam’s writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.