In-person programs have been canceled until Wednesday at 5 PM at each of the church’s locations, with the exception of recovery meetings, backpack stuffing for school partners, and the food pantry at Overland Park, which will each continue as scheduled.

The church will reopen on Wednesday at 5 pm for all scheduled programs.

Weekly Update from Pastor Adam - June 21, 2024

June 21, 2024

June 21, 2024

Dear Resurrection Family,

On Monday of this week, LaVon’s mom, Bernice Kessinger passed. Bernice was a part of Resurrection from opening Sunday in 1990. She loved this church. Her closest friends were all here. She was in multiple Bible studies, Sunday School classes, the bulletin stuffers, and more.

After moving into assisted living, LaVon would pick her up and bring her to worship each week. Seeing her there each week was a vivid reminder of how important a church community is. She literally seemed ten to fifteen years younger when she was here, and being in worship, being among her church friends, brought meaning and joy to her life – it was the happiest 90 minutes of her week. Just eight days before she died, she was in worship in person, and last Sunday, though she could not open her eyes, thanks to our online worship, she and LaVon worshiped together from her bedroom at her senior care home. Even this brought her peace. Among the last things she said on Saturday before she could not speak – she told her family, I love you, I love you.” And, as I read the 23rd Psalm, she joined me in saying the first line, “The Lord is my shepherd…”

LaVon and I sat by her side as she passed. We anointed her head with oil, shared scripture, told her we loved her and wept as we said goodbye. But we are joyful and grateful she is free, that she is with Christ, and has joined “all the saints who from their labors rest.” John Wesley spoke of having a good death. I believe Bernice had a good death.


This weekend, I’ll continue our summer revival on God and the Cosmos with a message called, “Pale Blue Dot.” The title comes from a photo taken by Voyager 1 in 1990 from 3.7 billion miles away as it prepared to leave our solar system. It turned its camera backward and took photos including one of Earth, which was only a pale blue dot suspended in a sunbeam. Here’s the image, can you see the Earth?

In my message we’ll learn a bit about Earth’s place in the vastness of our universe. We’ll consider three ways in which this leads us to change our minds, hearts and actions (this is what it means to repent). We’ll then turn to Psalm 8 and Isaiah 40 as we think about the implications of our relative place in the universe. I’ve got some cool things to share with you in the message, images from the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescope, the words of astronaut Edgar Mitchell when he came back from walking on the moon, we’ll hear astronomer Carl Sagan reflecting upon the pale blue dot.

If you have a friend who loves the stars and doesn’t have a church family, invite them to join you for worship this weekend as we consider, The Pale Blue Dot.

For those who can, come in person. If you’re traveling or are unable to attend in person, join us on KMCI Channel 38 at 8 or 11, or join us online at


I hope you’ll join me tonight for a special stargazing event at 8:30 pm at the Powell Observatory, 26500 Melrose St. in Louisburg, KS. Bring your blanket, lawn chair, bug spray and snacks and enjoy the full moon as the heavens officially kick off summer! Bottled water and frozen treats will be provided. The observatory staff will guide us through a description of objects in the summer sky, including double stars and galaxies, with objects projected on an outdoor screen and two outdoor telescopes for our use, but you’re welcome to bring your own telescope and staff will help you locate objects. It is going to be great. Hope to see you tonight!


I’m excited to share important news about a new location we plan to launch early next year in the western part of Lee’s Summit. Pastor Robert Johnson has been named as the future Location Pastor for Lee’s Summit. He currently serves as our Leawood Location Pastor and has done a great job in that role. He’ll be missed at Leawood, but we felt he gives us the skills needed for a successful launch in Lee’s Summit. Robert brings a wealth of experience. He served on the leadership team at Windsor Village UMC in Houston – one of the largest churches in the UMC. He then started a new UMC in Texas. Just before joining our team he served as the Senior Pastor at St. Marks UMC in Wichita.

I’m also excited to share that Ally Drummond who was ordained a Deacon earlier this month will be joining Robert in this effort. Pastor Ally was baptized at Resurrection and has been part of this congregation her entire life. She will work alongside Robert and give leadership to our ministries of care, community life and operations in Lee’s Summit. Over the past four years, Ally has been serving on our Connection and Care team at Leawood. Both Robert and Ally will officially begin in their new roles on September 1.

I will hold an information meeting in Lee’s Summit on the evening of July 9. If you live in Lee’s Summit, please plan to join me to hear the latest news and to meet Pastors Robert and Ally. If you have friends who live in the Lee’s Summit area who might be drawn to a church like ours, please share the news with them. There is something special about being on the ground floor of launching a brand-new faith community, so I hope you can attend.  Details are not yet final, so sign up today to receive communications about Lee’s Summit by clicking this link.  Details about the July 9 meeting will be sent to you in the coming week.

Recently I shared updates about our upcoming locations in Spring Hill, Kansas (South Johnson County) and Liberty Missouri.  If you missed information about either of those locations and would like to become involved, please let us know.


We are excited to offer a special Resurrection night at the KC Current soccer match on July 27, at 7 pm. I can’t believe we were able to secure a block of tickets – so many of these are completely sold out – we’ll cheer on the Current at their brand-new, state-of-the-art stadium – the first fully dedicated sports stadium for women’s professional soccer in the United States! How incredible is that? This is an historic season for the Current and we have the chance to be a part of it. Tickets are $43 per person, and we anticipate they will go fast. So, if you want to join this unforgettable evening of soccer, food, fun, and fellowship, order your tickets here. Wear your KC Current teal or your Resurrection Do Unto Others t-shirt and let’s rally together to show our support for the KC Current as they continue to make history right here in our city. 


I hope you’re planning to attend Resurrection and St. James UMC Juneteenth Celebration is tomorrow night, Saturday, June 22, at our Leawood location, Building A. It’s going to be awesome! The evening begins with a pre-event at 4 pm in the Leawood Parlor. Dr. James Leiker from Johnson County Community College will share a presentation: “The Underground Railroad – Quindaro to Lawrence,” exploring the role Kansas played in the long story of emancipation. (Register for this presentation here.) The main program “Let Every Voice Sing” begins at 5 pm in the sanctuary and will feature a keynote presentation and performance by Dr. Shana Mashege, a classical artist and ethnomusicologist. This family-friendly celebration include amazing music, dance, poetry, and a display of replica quilts used for Underground Railroad communication. Light refreshments will be served. This event is free and open to the public, and will be a great way to come together as a community and commemorate freedom. You can find more information about this celebration on our website.


Imagine taking a tour with friends from church, literally walking into one of the most important periods in modern history. Our upcoming Civil Rights Tour led by Resurrection Pastor Robert Johnson will allow you to experience that history as you visit some of the most important places in the Civil Rights movement. This trip will inspire, teach and shape you in powerful and positive ways. We still have a few openings for the Civil Rights Tour this September, but you must sign up by June 26. Don’t miss this rare opportunity. You can register individually, invite a friend, or come as a small group. Here’s the link.


As we begin to make plans for fall kick-off, we are looking for people who will consider serving as small group hosts to lead and facilitate discussions as we form new small groups this coming August. If you enjoy connecting with others and exploring your faith in a relaxed setting, we’d love to hear from you. If you are interested in signing up or are curious and want to learn more, click here.


Louisiana recently passed a law requiring the Ten Commandments be posted in public school classrooms. I love the Ten Commandments, wrote a book about them a few years ago, and I encourage you not only to memorize them but to live them. So, should we support laws like Louisiana’s requiring their posting in public schools? Why or why not? Join me at 7:30 pm Central Time on Facebook Live this Tuesday as we discuss this interesting question and the Ten Commandments themselves. You can access it here, watching live or later.


Resurrection’s school makeovers are an important way we live into our vision to close the opportunity gap for children. Each summer, we take on a project to paint, clean and transform an inner city school into a learning environment where students, teachers and staff feel inspired, encouraged and appreciated. This summer we are working on Woodland Early Learning Center. Volunteers started the work yesterday and it will continue through next Friday. We still have a lot of morning, afternoon or evening volunteer shifts to fill. No special skills are required, just sign up here.

I look forward to taking you on a tour of our solar system this weekend!


P.S. Check out your location newsletter on Tuesday for more opportunities to get connected with Resurrection. Here’s the link to subscribe.


Adam Hamilton

Resurrection Senior Pastor

Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.

Adam’s writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.

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