Weather Alert:

Church programs for Monday, Jan. 22 will resume their normal schedule at all locations this evening.

Programming Note:

Leawood’s Sunday night in-person worship has been moved to 4 pm for Sunday, February 11. 

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Weekly Updates from Pastor Adam - Sept. 30, 2022

September 30, 2022

Dear Resurrection Family,

This has been an exciting week at Resurrection as we hosted more than 1,600 pastors and church leaders for our annual Leadership Institute. Our attendees represented 54 annual conferences, 800 churches, 48 states plus DC, Canada, the UK and Nigeria. Our Leawood location was filled with energy as amazing speakers and workshops inspired, encouraged and equipped church leaders to help in the renewal of their congregations. I am grateful that this is something Church of the Resurrection invests in and supports. I met many amazing leaders this week and am excited about the future of our denomination. Below are just a few pictures that give you an idea of what went on this week.



I am excited to kick off our sermon series on Micah 6:8, “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” This clearly defines what should be, for all Christians and for our Jewish friends, a shared moral vision, embraced by Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Conservatives, Liberals and everyone in between. We’ll focus on justice, in Hebrew, mishpat, mentioned hundreds of times in the Hebrew Bible and the Greek, diakosune, is mentioned frequently in the New Testament. It is mentioned in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

We may have different views of how we achieve justice, but the idea of justice is essential to the Christian life and faith. We’ll study the words, consider the application, but then see how two of our US Supreme Court justices, on two nearly polar opposite sides on many rulings, live with respect; and as colleagues, each seeking justice.

We will have BE Campaign buttons for everyone in worship at our locations this weekend and will have yard signs that you can take and place in your neighborhood. I’ve been seeing the signs all over! This weekend we want to start putting these on the islands and corners among the campaign signs. These are available in the bookstore at Leawood or at our Blue Springs, West, Overland Park and Downtown locations. You can pick up your BE Campaign yard signs in the bookstore at Leawood or your location before and after worship and during regular business hours during the week. Pick up one or several for your neighborhood! I’ll be wearing my t-shirt to worship this weekend.

If you ordered a t-shirt in August and haven’t picked it up yet, those are available to pick up in the bookstore (at Leawood) or at your location. If you ordered within the last two weeks, those shirts will be available in mid-October. We will send out a message letting you know when and where to pick them up. If you didn’t pre-order a t-shirt yet and would still like one, we will have a limited number that you can purchase through the bookstore in mid-October.


This weekend in worship we will be joining with churches from around the world to celebrate World Communion Sunday. World Communion Sunday arose in the 1930’s as an attempt to bring unity among Christians of various denominations and places. If you are joining us online or on TV, be sure to have bread and wine or grape juice, or even water ready to receive communion during worship.


  • Leawood location at 7:30 am in Wesley Chapel, 9 am in Sanctuary, and 11 am* traditional in Sanctuary and modern in Foundry, or 5 pm in Sanctuary
  • Downtown location Saturday at 5 pm or Sunday at 9 or 11 am
  • Blue Springs, Olathe (West) and Overland Park locations Sunday at 9 or 11 am
  • Online at on Saturday at 5 pm or Sunday at 7:30, 9 and 11 am or 5 pm
  • On KMCI Channel 38 television on Sunday at 8 am or 11 am
  • On demand on YouTube throughout the week


Last Sunday, I was at Central UMC for a moving final service as Central officially closed and now will become Resurrection Brookside. On Monday we had 108 people from Resurrection who are interested in becoming a part of the launch group for Resurrection Brookside. Pastor Wendy will be working to organize them, along with 60+ Central members who are planning to be a part of the new Resurrection location. Activities and programs will be kicking off in the next couple of weeks to prepare for the launch day in December. Very exciting!


JOIN A COMMON GROUND GROUP – Kick-off October 11

As we approach the upcoming elections, joining a Common Ground group is a way to put your faith into action. In this six-week study series, groups will learn to better see and hear one another and find deeper self-understanding. Groups meet at a variety of times. Just go to the website, find a time and day of the week that will allow you to attend all six sessions, learn more, and sign up here!


As part of our BE Campaign this month, we are spreading kindness through peanut butter. Our Backpacks for Hunger program provides a bag of kid-friendly, non-perishable food to students who might otherwise go hungry over the weekend each week, and once a month these students receive a full jar of peanut butter to help their family stretch their food budget. During the month of October, we are collecting peanut butter for this program. 14-16 oz plastic jars of peanut butter (any brand) are the perfect size to fit in the bag and light enough for students of all ages.

You can spread kindness and invite your neighbors to join you. We have door hangers that you can pick up after worship services this weekend at all of our locations and leave with your neighbors. The door hangers explain the drive and give instructions. You just fill out the date you’ll be back by and pick up their donation. All donations can be returned to the church through October 30 and dropped off in the donation bins.


As part of our BE campaign, we’re hoping to blanket the city with the message of Micah 6:8 to BE Just, Kind and Humble. One way to do that is to join in our Super Service Saturday on October 15. We have more than 500 opportunities to serve our neighbors. You can go to the website to select a place to serve and sign up. I hope everyone in Kansas City will join us and bring a friend! If you worship with us online from outside Kansas City, I encourage you to find a place to serve in your community this month and share it with us at


Resurrection will spread our BE Campaign’s message of kindness at the Kansas City Marathon Oct. 15! We need volunteers to help cheer runners on and help runners park at our new Resurrection Brookside location. Learn more and sign up here.


We recently had Coffee with the Pastors at each of our locations and online. A total of 226 people (52 online and 174 across locations) officially became members of Resurrection. We are excited to welcome these people who have committed to continue their faith journey as part of our congregation. Here is a link to the list of new members. Take a look at the names and welcome these new members!


Want a convenient way to get your flu or COVID shot? Join us in worship on Oct 1 or 2. On Saturday evening, Oct 1, you can get your shot from 4-5:30 PM, then on Sunday, Oct. 2 starting at 10 AM –1 PM. We are teaming up with Nurture KC to offer you a healthy body and spirit! Click here for more information or registration.


Please take a moment to pause and pray for those who are in the path of Hurricane Ian, those who have lost loved ones or who have seen their homes and businesses destroyed.

As Florida begins to recover from Hurricane Ian, Resurrection is working through the Florida Annual Conference and local United Methodist churches to determine how we can best help. Watch for updates on our disaster response page on the website. You can also contribute to our Disaster Response Fund, which allows the church to quickly respond to disasters in the US and around the world. Resurrection has already sent $20,000 to Florida to meet immediate emergency needs.


I am travelling on Sunday night (will be preaching by video Sunday night) for a commitment and am hoping to do Vespers. Watch for my Facebook post on Tuesday to see if I’m able to join you. I’ll be on a hiatus the following two Tuesdays as LaVon and I will be out of town. If you missed a week of Vespers, you can always go back and watch on the YouTube Channel.

I’m exhausted as I write these words, but also so excited as I reflect on our Leadership Institute – it was exhilarating as our staff and volunteers sought to inspire, encourage and equip pastors and church leaders from across the country and, a few, from around the world!

I love you, Resurrection, and am so proud of you!


Adam Hamilton

Resurrection Senior Pastor

Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.

Adam’s writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.

Learn More About What's Happening Now at Your Location

Watch for the “Next” newsletter in your email on Tuesday. This newsletter includes a personal message from your location pastor (Wendy, Anne, Bill, Penny, Joshua and Ashley) and opportunities for you to engage and connect at your location. If you’re not receiving it right now, you can sign up here.

Blue Springs

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Overland Park

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