Weather Alert:

Church programs for Monday, Jan. 22 will resume their normal schedule at all locations this evening.

Programming Note:

Leawood’s Sunday night in-person worship has been moved to 4 pm for Sunday, February 11. 

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Celebrating willing and wholehearted giving

October 2, 2023

Daily Scripture

1 Chronicles 29:2-3, 9-14

[King David said to the whole assembly,]
2 Using every resource at my disposal, I’ve provided everything for my God’s temple: gold for gold objects, silver for silver objects, bronze for bronze objects, iron for iron objects, lumber for wooden objects, carnelian stones for settings, antimony, colorful stones, every kind of precious stone, and a large amount of marble. 3 What’s more, because of my delight in my God’s temple, I have dedicated my own private treasure of gold and silver to my God’s temple, in addition to all that I’ve provided for the holy temple.

9 The people rejoiced at this response, because they had presented their offerings to the LORD so willingly and wholeheartedly. King David also rejoiced greatly.
10 Then David blessed the LORD before the whole assembly:
Blessed are you, LORD,
    God of our ancestor Israel,
        forever and always.
11 To you, LORD, belong greatness and power,
    honor, splendor, and majesty,
        because everything in heaven and on earth belongs to you.
Yours, LORD, is the kingship,
    and you are honored as head of all.
12 You are the source of wealth and honor,
    and you rule over all.
In your hand are strength and might,
    and it is in your power to magnify and strengthen all.
13 And now, our God, we thank you
    and praise your glorious name.
14 Who am I,
    and who are my people,
    that we should be able to offer so willingly?
Since everything comes from you,
    we have given you that which comes from your own hand.

Daily Reflection & Prayer

God told Israel’s King David he couldn’t build the Temple (cf. 1 Chronicles 28:1-3). But David didn’t sulk about that. He enthusiastically set out to gather everything his son Solomon would need to build the Temple. The king began by giving a large chunk of his personal fortune. But he gave all Israelites a chance to contribute sacrificially. David and the people did not see the giving as a burden, but as a privilege. They knew they were giving back what came from God’s hand for God’s purposes.

  • 1 Chronicles 29:9 said the people rejoiced, not because they’d raised a certain amount of money, but because “they had presented their offerings to the Lord so willingly and wholeheartedly.” To what extent do the words “willingly and wholeheartedly” apply to your spending on hobbies and entertainment? Your grocery shopping? Your trips to the mall or to online shopping sites? Paying for car or home repairs? Your giving to God?
  • By definition, doing something willingly and wholeheartedly means doing it of your own choice, doing it because you want to. No one, not even God, can force you to do anything willingly and wholeheartedly—it can only happen if you choose that attitude. When it comes to giving, what helps you do it in a willing, wholehearted way?

Lord, remind me that I am your steward, not the “owner” of anything. Keep me grateful for what you entrust to my care, and generous in the ways I use it to advance your Kingdom. Amen.

GPS Insights

Picture of Valerie Nagel

Valerie Nagel

Valerie Nagel was born, raised, and attended college in California. Her Master of Divinity degree is from Duke Divinity School. She was ordained in the Rio Texas Conference, serving as an associate pastor in the Austin area and San Antonio. From congregational care and welcoming guests to leading in worship, Valerie loves the ministry of the local church. She feels blessed to have served as a pastor since 2011. She juggles ministry with being a mom to Caleb (born 2012) and Jacob (born 2015), friend, avid reader, lover of the outdoors, beginner to the world of CrossFit, and foodie.

I grew up attending worship with my parents. They were active in my hometown church. And in the summer when we would visit my grandparents, I’d join my Grannie on the piano bench while she played for her small country church. My love for Traditional worship comes directly from having my faith shaped by her. I saw my parents and grandparents give willingly and wholeheartedly to their churches. They not only gave their tithes, they offered their time and their talents. My Mom sang in the church choir for years. My parents and grandparents all loved their churches, and I loved being a part of our youth group when I was a teenager. I learned that community is a blessing. I also learned that sharing is a joy.

My kids sometimes attend worship with me on Sunday mornings. They also enjoy Resurrection Kids and Resurrection Students. A few weeks ago my oldest child was paying attention when Adam invited us to prayerfully prepare for completing our commitment cards. He leaned over and whispered in my ear what he wanted to give to the Generation to Generation campaign from his savings. (Whenever my kids receive cash gifts we put it into their savings account so they can discern how they want to spend it or if they want to save it.) When we got home from worship all three of us talked more about our commitments. I was blown away by my kids saying that they not only want to continue to give their tithe on their allowance, but they also want to give above and beyond. Like so many in our church, my kids were excited to be a part of what we are doing at Resurrection. And my youngest is already asking when construction will begin.

Whether giving to the ministry of the church is something you have done for years or it is new to you, whether you are able to tithe or building towards that, we have an opportunity to give willingly and wholeheartedly. My prayer is that you continue to prayerfully discern how God wants to use you and your gifts to be a blessing. My prayer is also that if there are challenges in your life that make it difficult to give willingly and wholeheartedly you will reach out to our Connection and Care team. We are a family and we want to care for each other as well as the world. I am so excited to see what lies ahead. I am so grateful to be a part of what God is doing in the world by using our hearts, hands, and gifts.

© 2024 Resurrection: A United Methodist Church. All Rights Reserved.
Scripture quotations are taken from The Common English Bible ©2011. Used by permission. All rights reserved.