Childcare at Leawood will not open during the morning on Tuesday, January 21, due to public school system being on a late arrival schedule. As a result, the 9 AM Building Better Moms program at Leawood has also been cancelled.
During Lent, we are using short videos to share a daily idea (linked to the gospel of Luke) on how to grow spiritually. Watch today’s video. Click here or on the image below:
Note: We are reading the entire gospel of Luke in the GPS. Some day’s readings are longer than usual. We hope you’ll have an extra cup of coffee, or use your lunch break, and read Luke’s entire story of Jesus.
1 In those days Caesar Augustus declared that everyone throughout the empire should be enrolled in the tax lists. 2 This first enrollment occurred when Quirinius governed Syria. 3 Everyone went to their own cities to be enrolled. 4 Since Joseph belonged to David’s house and family line, he went up from the city of Nazareth in Galilee to David’s city, called Bethlehem, in Judea. 5 He went to be enrolled together with Mary, who was promised to him in marriage and who was pregnant. 6 While they were there, the time came for Mary to have her baby. 7 She gave birth to her firstborn child, a son, wrapped him snugly, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the guestroom.
8 Nearby shepherds were living in the fields, guarding their sheep at night. 9 The Lord’s angel stood before them, the Lord’s glory shone around them, and they were terrified.
10 The angel said, “Don’t be afraid! Look! I bring good news to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people. 11 Your savior is born today in David’s city. He is Christ the Lord. 12 This is a sign for you: you will find a newborn baby wrapped snugly and lying in a manger.” 13 Suddenly a great assembly of the heavenly forces was with the angel praising God. They said, 14 “Glory to God in heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors.”
15 When the angels returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go right now to Bethlehem and see what’s happened. Let’s confirm what the Lord has revealed to us.” 16 They went quickly and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. 17 When they saw this, they reported what they had been told about this child. 18 Everyone who heard it was amazed at what the shepherds told them. 19 Mary committed these things to memory and considered them carefully. 20 The shepherds returned home, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. Everything happened just as they had been told.
The “mighty Savior” arrived—a poor infant in a manger and announced to night-shift shepherds. Pastor Hamilton wrote that the shepherds found the infant king “in a parking garage (that’s what a first-century stable was), lying on a bed of straw where the animals ate.” * The Roman Empire gave its emperor the title “Savior” (among others). The angel gave the shepherds a markedly different vision of what “Savior” meant by linking that title to an infant in Bethlehem. Who could have imagined that infant’s kingdom would long outlast that of the mighty Romans occupying Palestine?
Click here to listen to COR Worship Collective’s song “Because You Move.” Ask for the Holy Spirit to move in your life through this beautiful song.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the good news of your birth, for me, and for all people. Help me this day to live in a spirit of gratitude for your great gift of yourself. Amen.
Lori Trupp serves as the Lead Director for Learning Centers at all Church of the Resurrection locations.
While reading today’s passage of scripture from Luke, I was drawn repeatedly to Luke 2:8-10: “Nearby shepherds were living in the fields, guarding their sheep at night. The Lord’s angel stood before them, the Lord’s glory shone around them, and they were terrified. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid! Look! I bring good news to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people.”
The events of the past 2 years, right up until today with the unjust war taking place in Ukraine, feel like night. Cold. Dark. Night. And, like the shepherds, there is fear. Our world right now offers plenty of chances to fear, and we can be rather creative in thinking of new things to be fearful of, even beyond current events. Maybe that’s why one of the most oft-repeated commands in the Bible is do not be afraid.
Why shouldn’t we be afraid? Because there is good news. And this news is for all people. ALL people. The savior is born. With this news comes real, lasting, wonderful, full of glory, JOY.
I read this Scripture and I know in my soul that this is true. This is faith. I also know that faith and fear are opposite poles. Still, I find myself afraid.
This past November, I attended the “Remembering Auschwitz” exhibit at Union Station in Kansas City with the group from our church. Among the relics of unspeakable, unfathomable violence and tragedy were stories. Stories of people who had found joy. It was a deeply moving and profound experience.
After touring the exhibit, I revisited the works of Viktor Frankl, and was reminded of a woman he mentored, Dr. Edith Eger. Dr. Eger, like Viktor Frankl, is a Holocaust survivor, having been imprisoned in Auschwitz. She is now an eminent psychologist who works with victims of physical and mental trauma. I recently re-read her book The Choice and then read her newest book, The Gift.
In her books, Dr. Eger explores, among many things, the concept of fear. She states, “We should never stop seeking safety and justice, doing everything in our power to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our neighbors, our fellow humans. But we have a choice how much of our lives we give over to fear. You never know what’s coming from the outside. You can’t predict who might show up to cause harm—yell an insult, throw a punch, break a promise, betray your trust, drop a bomb, start a war. I wish I could tell you that tomorrow the world will be safe from cruelty and violence and prejudice, from rape and depravity and genocide. But that world may not ever come. We live in a world with danger, and so we live in a world with fear. Your safety isn’t guaranteed. But fear and love don’t coexist. And fear doesn’t have to rule your life. Releasing the fear starts with you.”
Every day we have a choice. We can release the fear. We can remember the good news. We can find the joy. If you are struggling with this too, I encourage you to reach out. Reach out to Scripture, to a friend, to a pastor, to Dr. Eger’s books, to a counselor, to me. Get outside and take a walk, meet a friend for coffee, journal, notice that amazing sunset, sign up to serve or help in your community in some way. You are not alone. And you do have a choice. May you choose joy today.
* Adam Hamilton, The Journey: A Season of Reflections. (Kindle Locations 1028-1029). Abingdon Press. Kindle Edition.