All Resurrection locations have resumed programming beginning Thursday, February 20, at 5pm. The Blood Drives at Overland Park and Blue Springs are being held on schedule.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
Your word is a lamp before my feet and a light for my journey.
Every scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for showing mistakes, for correcting, and for training character, so that the person who belongs to God can be equipped to do everything that is good.
Jesus [said to them], “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
by Ashly Cooley, Executive Assistant to Locations & Care at Resurrection
My daughter often doubts her abilities when doing new things. When she was learning to read, I reminded her that at one time she had to learn how to talk. When learning how to ride her hoverboard I reminded her that at one time she didn’t know how to walk. Doubt can be paralyzing and keep us from trying or trusting in something that can bring about immense joy.
For overcoming her doubts and fears about the hoverboard, I reminded her that I was going to be right by her side. I held her hand. We practiced for just a little bit at first. Then we went a little bit without me holding her hand. The past two days we have gone all the way around the block. Sometimes she needs my hand, I am always there for her but other time she sails ahead confidently. She will look back to check and I am there, right where I said I would be.
God is the same. It is okay if you have doubts. You can move forward with them at a slow pace. God will stay with you, sometimes holding your hand, sometimes walking right beside you as you gain strength and confidence. God also can put people in your lives that are able to help you as you discuss your doubts. We have pastors who would love to meet with you if you would like to discuss questions and doubts. Two of our pastors are leading a class that starts tomorrow. Here is the link if you’d like to know more about the class:
Did you know that praying can help with doubt? Below is an affirmation prayer written by Katherine T. Owen. You can use it as many times as you like.
How To Pray For Belief In God – A Prayer For Faith
Dear God,
I am willing to know there is something larger than myself.
I am willing to know there is a bigger picture.
I am willing to open my mind to you.
I ask you to communicate with me, and I am willing to spend time in silence to hear this communication.
I recognize that if I have spent my life blocking out such communication then it may require time and effort to become able to receive it once again.
I am willing to learn how to pray.
Prayer has worked to open others to knowledge of you, so I am willing.
(I will give it a go/I am giving it a go for _____ (name a time period).
I will say/I am saying the following prayers ________ every __________.
I am committed to sitting in silence once every ______.
I am willing to hear you.
I am willing to see evidence of your Love and Guidance in my life.
Lord, teach me to pray.
Thank you.
Dear Lord, Thank you for journeying through life with us. You are creator of all and have infinite wisdom. Thank you for loving us through doubts and through our impatience as we want you to reveal everything to us, all at once. We know you reveal yourself slowly and in glimpses. We are not able to handle all the wisdom you have so we need to receive it in small increments as we put together the divine pieces of our lives and your plans for us. Amen.