Weather Alert:

Church programs for Monday, Jan. 22 will resume their normal schedule at all locations this evening.

Programming Note:

Leawood’s Sunday night in-person worship has been moved to 4 pm for Sunday, February 11. 

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Prayer Tip: When Prayers Go Unanswered

January 30, 2022

Daily Scripture

Psalm 22:2; John 15:7; Luke 22:42

Psalm 22:2

O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer; and by night, but find no rest. (Psalm 22:2, NRSV)

John 15:7

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. (John 15:7, CEB)

Luke 22:42

“Father, if it’s your will, take this cup of suffering away from me. However, not my will but your will must be done.” (Luke 22:42, CEB)

Prayer Tip

by Jennifer Creagar, Community Assistance Coordination Director

In author Jan Karon’s series of novels set in the fictional town of Mitford, North Carolina, the main character is an Episcopal priest, Father Timothy Kavanagh. Father Tim often prays with his congregation, friends, and neighbors. His favorite prayer is “the prayer that never fails:” “Thy will be done.”

In the prayer that Jesus gave us as an example, he prayed, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” We know that God always wills to be close to us, to remove all barriers between our hearts and God’s.

This week, we will hear, read about, and probably struggle with, the topic of “unanswered prayers.” What if we simply sit quietly with God and ask,

Lord God who loves us, draw us so close to you that we can pray with all our hearts, “Thy will be done.” Amen.