1 Christ has set us free for freedom. Therefore, stand firm and don’t submit to the bondage of slavery again.
2 Look, I, Paul, am telling you that if you have yourselves circumcised, having Christ won’t help you. 3 Again I swear to every man who has himself circumcised that he is required to do the whole Law. 4 You people who are trying to be made righteous by the Law have been estranged from Christ. You have fallen away from grace! 5 We eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness through the Spirit by faith. 6 Being circumcised or not being circumcised doesn’t matter in Christ Jesus, but faith working through love does matter.
Few if any of us have ever been slaves—but in the Roman Empire, quite a few of Paul’s readers either had been or were still slaves. “No one would tolerate the reversion to become a slave again, once redeemed and set free. A person’s spiritual condition is similar (cf. Galatians 4:8–9), Paul argues. Christ has paid a high price in redeeming sinners and setting them free (Galatians 1:4; 3:13). No one should therefore return to the state of slavery.” *
Lord Jesus, like all your children, I miss the mark at times. I’m so thankful you died to set me free from guilt, and that you empower me to keep living into your love in the freedom you offer. Amen.
Justin Burnett serves as a Missions Engagement Program Director for Resurrection's Leawood location and is a Declared Candidate for ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. Justin graduated from Drury University with a B.S. degree in Emergency Management. He later moved to Overland Park, Kansas to answer God's call to professional ministry and is a seminary student at Saint Paul School of Theology. In Justin's spare time, he enjoys nature, travel, film, games, and music—singing with the Leawood modern worship team on occasion.
In Galatians 5, Paul writes about the early church’s struggle to let go of the old covenant. This internal battle prevented Christians from fully accepting the grace of the new covenant. While change is difficult, Hebrews 8:6 declares that “… Jesus has received a superior priestly service just as he arranged a better covenant that is enacted with better promises.” Once embraced, the new covenant’s outward focus—love for God and others—brought spiritual renewal to the early church and continues to inspire us today.
* Ralph P. Martin and Julie Wu, comment on Galatians 5:1 in Romans to Philemon: Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, Volume 3. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002, p. 288.
** William Barclay, The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians (Revised Edition). Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1976, p. 43.