Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
Music is an important part of our worship. At Resurrection, we have several different styles of music and a variety of ways for musicians to get involved.
This page provides all the opportunities to be a part of Resurrection Music. To learn more about our Traditional, Modern, Kids and Students Music opportunities, click through the menu below.
The Traditional Music department has opportunities in multiple groups involving vocalists and instrumentalists. For more information about our Traditional Music program, see the details below or click the button to contact Elyse McBride.
Participating in the Resurrection Adult Choir is a great way to meet new people while using your musical gifts to serve God, the church, and the community. The choir leads worship each Sunday during the 11 am traditional worship service, as well as many other special services including Easter, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Leadership Institute and Christmas at Resurrection, one of Kansas City’s must-see holiday traditions.
Resurrection Choir rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, August 14 through May, from 6:30 – 8 pm in the Rehearsal Hall (Building A). The Rehearsal Hall is behind the chancel area and can be accessed by coming through the NW door by the memorial gardens and parking lot A and turning left down the hallway behind the cancel area. Childcare is provided during rehearsals for parents who would like to sing in the choir.
Interested in joining?
The Resurrection choir Choir includes members and non-members of the church who volunteer their time to support the music ministries of the church. The choir is open forto all adult vocalists 18 years of age and older. There is NO audition. While the ability to read music is desired it is not required. The Resurrection choir is led by Kevin Bogan who is our Traditional Worship Director. For more information, or to join the choir, please contact Elyse McBride, Coordinating Assistant for Worship prior to any Wednesday evening rehearsal.
The Resurrection Orchestra performs each Sunday during the 11 am worship service, as well as many other special services and events including one of Kansas City’s best holiday traditions, Christmas at Resurrection. Participating in the orchestra is a great way to meet new people while using your musical talents to serve God, our church, and our community. We are the featured ensemble on the preludes and postludes for the 11 am traditional worship service. During the service, we accompany the Resurrection Choir on their choral anthems, as well as the hymns that are sung with the congregation.
Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, August 14 through May, from 6:30 – 8 pm in the Leawood Sanctuary & Rehearsal Hall (Building A). Childcare is provided.
Interested in joining?
The Resurrection Orchestra includes members and non-members of the church who volunteer their time to support the music ministries of the church. The orchestra is open for all adult musicians, 18 years of age and older, who proficiently play the standard string, woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments found in a symphony orchestra. There is no audition. If you have experience playing one of the instruments previously mentioned and you are looking for an opportunity to share your musical gifts, then please consider joining us! We would love to have you in the Resurrection Orchestra!
For more information, please contact John Burgess, director of the Resurrection Orchestra.
The Adult Handbell choir rings music on two 5-octave sets of Malmark and Schulmerich handbells. The choir works on challenging music, helps lead worship monthly, generally the first Sunday of the month, and engages in mission work throughout the community. The choir is open to anyone who has had handbell ringing experience in the past and can play level 2/3 music.
Rehearsals are on Sundays from 5 – 6:30 pm August through May at the Leawood location in Rehearsal Hall B in Building A, starting August 18, 2024. The Rehearsal Hall is behind the chancel area and can be accessed by coming through the NW door by the memorial gardens and parking lot A and turning left down the hallway behind the chancel area.
Interested in joining?
New ringers are accepted at any time. If you’re interested in joining our Adult Handbells ministry, please contact Elyse McBride for more information.
Adoration provides worship music for the 7:30 am worship service at our Leawood location about once a month and performs periodically at venues outside the church.
Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 12:30 – 1:30 pm, August through May at the Leawood location Building A Rehearsal Hall.
Interested in joining?
All are welcome to join. No auditions required! If you have questions, please contact director Lin Sanford or you are welcome to come to any rehearsal.
The Voices of Resurrection is an auditioned vocal ensemble of 24 singers specializing in vocal jazz and tight harmonies in 8-10 parts. The ideal singers can sight-read and sing with little or no vibrato. Members need to be available to sing in both the 7:30 and 11 am worship services on the second Sunday of each month. The music is generally memorized.
Rehearsals are on Sundays at 9 – 9:45 am, mid-August through mid-May. The rehearsals are held at the Leawood location in Rehearsal Hall B in Building A, starting August 18, 2024. The Rehearsal Hall is behind the chancel area and can be accessed by coming through the NW door by the memorial gardens and parking lot A and turning left down the hallway behind the chancel area.
Interested in joining?
Auditions are held during the month of August by contacting Kevin Bogan, Director of Traditional Music, who will set up an audition time with you. During the audition, interested singers will be asked to sing a song of their choir, vocalize and sight read a song of the Directors choice.
Resurrection’s newest ensemble comprised of singers from around Kansas City, members and non-members. One acCORd focuses on a wide array of genres and musical diversity leaning heavily on spirituals and gospel music.
Our challenging and uplifting rehearsals are Mondays from 6:30 – 8 pm in the Building A (Leawood) Rehearsal Hall.
Interested in joining?
Please contact Elyse McBride or call 913-232-4163 with any questions.
Our Modern Music team consists of volunteer musicians (instrumentalists & vocalists) that help by providing music for worship experiences here at Resurrection. There are opportunities to serve at any and all locations.
Click learn more below to contact the Modern Worship Leader for each Resurrection location.
Resurrection Leawood Worship Leader: BJ Huffman
Resurrection Brookside Worship Leader: Zach Kujath
Resurrection Downtown Worship Leader: Justin Huey
Resurrection Blue Springs Worship Leader: Mike Ash
Resurrection West Worship Leader: Claas Jambor
Resurrection Overland Park Worship Leader: Jacob Cullum
Resurrection Lee’s Summit & Liberty Locations – Coming Soon! – Contact
Resurrection Kids’ Choir – Rehearsals Begin August 18
Our choir meets from August – April/May. We present two full musicals, one in December and one in the spring. Kids also sing in worship a few times each semester and for special holiday services.
Rehearsals will begin August 18, 2024 and are on Sundays from 10:10 – 11:10 am in B200 for children who are in preschool (age 4, prior to Sept. 1) through 5th grade. If you are attending Resurrection Kids for the 9 am service, please follow the process in your child’s check-in room. A sticker needs to go the CHOIR sheet, giving us permission to bring your child to choir. If they are going to attend Resurrection Kids at 11 am, we will have special instructions when you check-in your child for choir at 10:10, giving us permission to take them to Resurrection Kids. Preschool aged children need to be dropped off and picked up.
Register by clicking HERE.
To learn more or ask questions, email Lin Sanford.
The youth orchestra welcomes all students in grades 6 through 12 that have at least 1 year of instrument playing experience. All instruments are welcome (band & orchestra)! We are about having fun, making friends, furthering our faith, and coming together to make beautiful music!
Sign up for Youth Orchestra by clicking HERE
Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 5:30 – 6:30 in rehearsal hall in the lower level of building C.
Throughout the year we perform at several scheduled services in the Narthex, we combine with our adult orchestra, we go on community outreach tours, and travel on a summer mission trip.
We look forward to making music with you! If you have any questions, please contact Kenneth Tysick.
Vocal choir welcomes 6th – 12th graders who share the word of God through music as we sing, travel, serve in mission settings and lead worship. Whether you are an accomplished soloist, a member of your school choir or if you just love to sing, there is a place for you at Resurrection.
We spend lots of time getting to know each other – so making new friends is easy! We enjoy learning music that challenges us musically and spiritually. You will learn correct vocal technique that will make you a better singer both at church and at school – even if you have never sung before.
Youth choir meets on Wednesday nights from 5:30 – 6:30
We are a group of singers who are growing in their faith, sharing a love a music, singing and fun.
We sing in worship, go on retreats, sing outside of Resurrection and go on a mission trip every June. We love to sing together, eat together, travel together and strengthen our relationship with God and with each other through music, fellowship and service.
Students from all over Kansas City join us (church membership at Resurrection is not a requirement) to come together for rehearsal every week.
To sign up for youth choir, click HERE. To learn more or ask questions, email Lin Sanford.
Resurrection Music Academy offers world-class music education in a Christian environment. Our instructors have a long history of producing professional musicians both in the church and marketplace, and many of our students are now serving in various ministries at Resurrection as well as in other ministries.
We offer private lessons, semi-private lessons (two students), and class lessons (three or more students). Lessons are offered for ages 7 and up – no previous music experience is necessary!
We offer lessons on the following rhythm section instruments:
For more information about Resurrection Music Academy or to enroll, please contact Kevin Rogers at
We are a community of musicians and writers from Resurrection, dedicated to crafting new music and hymnody for the church rooted in Wesleyan theology. Through worship and practicing creativity together, we hope to be used by God to change lives, strengthen churches, and transform lives.
Click the button below to learn more and check out all our music, including our new album, Redeemer.
Music is an important part of our worship. At Resurrection, we have several different styles of music and a variety of ways for musicians to get involved.
This page provides all the opportunities to be a part of Resurrection Music. To learn more about our Traditional, Modern, and Students Music opportunities specifically, click the button below.