Due to weather conditions, all in-person daytime and evening programs have been canceled across the church’s locations for Wednesday, except for the Recovery programs and Food Pantry at Overland Park. Decisions for Thursday daytime programs will correspond with local school district decisions and will be posted on the church’s website.


Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.

Borderlands - Day 4


Mexico/El Paso: October 20-25, 2024

Meeting within yards of the fence this morning, our team exchanged questions with a Border Patrol agent. Our team was curious about questions like, “what’s a typical day in the life as a Border Patrol agent?” or “describe partnerships with other local law enforcement” and “identify means and uses of technology”, the agent described many aspects of the job.

Sami then walked us through the property neighboring the Abara Hacienda. It is a historic crossroads, where many a migrant traversed before any fences were built. In fact, before borderlines even existed. We were given a moment to explore the property and explore it’s sights, sounds, feelings. From the fluttering of butterfly wings to the grumbling of construction vehicles, from dirt roads to sky-high fencing, this space is one that exerts love for the neighbor, both Mexican and US American. Personal prayers were said over the fence, knowing prayer transcends all borders.

Later in the afternoon, we had the unique opportunity to gather at the memorial garden dedicated to the victims of a mass shooting at the Walmart in El Paso in 2019. This memorial bares witness that something so tragic and heartbreaking can also emit hope for the future. A future filled with less hate and more love, less fear and more hope, less chaos and more peace. It was a cloudless afternoon with the warm Texan sun, a beautiful breeze braised our cheeks. In the quiet moments, Nate led us in devotion dedicated to truth, holding space and bearing witness. Surrounding the memorial are beautiful roses which with their sweet smell remind us to take a moment and take a deep breath.

Returning to the shade of the fence, we shared words of the “open table”. Standing in a militarized zone, visible to security cameras and peering eyes from the other side of the Rio Grande, we gathered to share in the sacrament of communion. A tradition, a dedication, an invitation…the body and blood of Jesus, given to all, no matter your country of origin.

We shared stories and debriefed with staff from Abara. Many expressing our love and admiration for those we’ve met this week. I ask and challenge those reading these words…please, ask us about our journey here to the borderlands. You have prayed with us along the way, ask to know what we know. With confidence, we will tell you something unexpected, something learned by being present here. We want to tell you about the faces we met, the relationships we built, the laughs shared, the tears shed. Ask. Ask to learn more. Ask to understand. Ask how to join the next trip.