Due to weather conditions, all in-person daytime and evening programs have been canceled across the church’s locations for Wednesday, except for the Recovery programs and Food Pantry at Overland Park. Decisions for Thursday daytime programs will correspond with local school district decisions and will be posted on the church’s website.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
A long day of traveling on Saturday proved to provide a good night’s sleep for the next day. We woke up early at the Methodist Center in Alajuela and packed up all our stuff and headed to breakfast at a local restaurant to enjoy some traditional food. After breakfast we began the drive to the Adventure Park where we hiked and zip-lined through the rain forest.
Then topped it all off with a fire meal the crew there prepared as well as some soccer with Kai who we met at Adventure Park. He lives on the grounds there. Kai was full of energy and was not hesitant to make conversation. Many of us instantly connected with Kai and he introduced a new game to us, “veintiuno” (twenty-one). We shared many smiles and laughs with Kai before it was time to get back on the bus.
A fine mist started rolling in and with that we were finally off to Costa Rica Mission Projects. We made a few pit stops where some bought snacks. On the drive, one of our leaders Kate, had a wholesome conversation with one of our bus drivers, Carlos while listening to a soccer game of Costa Rica vs Grenada. When we made it to Costa Rica Mission Projects, we quickly settled into the bunks and then went up to eat dinner and meet the other volunteers working with us from Union UMC from Columbia, South Carolina. Pizza boxes emptied and ice breakers done, we had a group worship and devotional all together done by a bonfire. Some stayed to keep singing while others went to shower and rest. The place fell into a deep sleep with the background noises of the rain forest.
After only one evening at our destination, our team has already formed relationships with those whom we’re serving with from Union United Methodist Church from Irmo, South Carolina.
Connor, a high school graduate from COR, immediately clicked with Caleb, a rising seventh grader.
Connor says “Caleb and I became friends almost instantly, and he became like one of my middle schoolers (like my small group kids, like a little brother kinda) since we met, he would follow me around and do everything with me. Last night he even decided to join me in my bible study which I thought was really cool.”