Due to anticipated weather conditions, all in-person programs have been canceled on Wednesday, February 12 until 5pm at each of the church’s locations. A decision regarding Wednesday evening programs will be made and posted no later than 3pm.


On Sunday, February 9, we’re moving our regular 5 pm worship service to 4 pm so everyone can get home in time to watch the Chiefs play in the Super Bowl.

Costa Rica Jan 2024 Blog 2

Jan 22, 2024

Costa Rica

Thanks to the open concept of our bunk quarters we awoke to the sound of birds instead of alarm clocks!
Breakfast consisted of an array of cereals, delicious fresh fruit, and bread that Jon & Bill so graciously walked to the supermercado (supermarket) to get for us while many of us were still sleeping.  (And if you were wondering – yes, Jon got up early enough to ensure coffee was ready for the rest of us!)

Eduardo, Daniel’s hijo (son) picked us up and drove us a short distance to an amazing and energizing church service.  We may not have understood all, or even most of the words, but we absolutetly understood the sentiment and heart with which the church members were singing.  During the sermon, Will took our group upstairs to tell us more about their church, the Costa Rica Mission Project, and his own story of falling in love with mission work, Costa Rica, and his lovely esposa (wife) Yolanda.

After church the members of the congregation offered us un almuerzo tipico (a typical lunch) which you can see in a foto (photo) with Susan.  It was a combination of arroz (rice) with chicken, plantains, black beans, and a hard boiled egg.  It was fantastic! Not a single one of us had leftovers. Despite our full bellies, we stopped at Pop’s, an ice cream shop, that Jon had been raving about since our first group meeting…and it did not disappoint. Banana, carrot cake, and vanilla were just some of the flavors our group tried.  Instead of ice cream, Bill chose to ride Pop’s resident pony, of which we have attached a photo for your viewing pleasure.

We had the afternoon to ourselves and each person chose to spend it a little differently but we all ended up on the patio playing Table Topics Roadtrip and getting to know each other a bit more before we headed off to dinner.

Apples, carmelized almonds, onion rings, honey mayo, blueberries, bacon, and blue cheese dressing were just some of the toppings on the burgers that everyone enjoyed and they were also fantastic!

Our day ended back at camp cheering the Chiefs to a victory on phones, ipads, & laptops.  And Susan once again wrapped up our day with a devotional, this time from the Wesley Covenant Prayer.

Tomorrow…to the jobsite!