Due to weather conditions, all in-person daytime and evening programs have been canceled across the church’s locations for Wednesday, except for the Recovery programs and Food Pantry at Overland Park. Decisions for Thursday daytime programs will correspond with local school district decisions and will be posted on the church’s website.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
Today, we traveled to El Obraje to meet our crews for building water pilas for 5 families. This is about 45 minutes from Danlí where we are staying. We were thankful for good weather and worked as hard as we could for about 3 hours in the morning before meeting back at the Methodist Church for lunch.
After lunch, we welcomed 60+ very excited kids to the church for Bible School. The kids were led in a bible story, crafts and dancing games by the leaders today. The kids loved the sidewalk chalk we brought and of course – futbol!
We returned to Danli and visited their town square for some delicious Honduran coffee and to tour a beautiful historic Catholic Church in the square that has been present since the Spanish settled in Honduras and was completed in 1887.
We finished with dinner at the hotel and devotion and prep for tomorrow where we will return to El Obraje to continue working on our pilas and more VBS. We are planning on even more kiddos showing up as the word spreads through the village. A successful and heart filling day!
Pila crews hard at work
Fresh coconut for one of the teams from their local pila construction leader
Kendall was loved by the little girls and they practiced writing her name with their chalk
Krishna loving on this baby boy
Working on some coloring pages related to the Bible story of the day
Our theatrical team putting on a dramatization for the kids
Pastor Bill trying to keep up with the futbol players
Catedral De La Inmaculada Concepción