Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
This morning we continued preparing for the children’s and youth groups. We organized crafts, games, and activities. Discussed further the topics, structure, and who was doing what.
Around noon, the conference participants began arriving. Many of these children and students only get to see each other once or twice a year so it was fun to see the excitement growing as the day wore on. When we had our debrief, one of the things we talked about is how in the US culture we don’t make eye contact if we run into someone at the store and often we feel unseen. Several of us decided that even if people think we are weird, we are going to work at noticing others more, greeting them, and letting them know we care.
The conference began with a communion & worship service. The musicians in our group jumped in and with only one rehearsal, joined in with polish musicians. Some of the songs they knew (just in a different language) and some they didn’t – yet were good enough to play right along. It’s so fun to see brothers and sisters in Christ singing songs in 2 different languages (yes, there was an English verse in there) worshiping the same God.
As part of opening night, the leaders of workshops stood up and shared what they will be discussing, so our students stood in front of 300 strangers and confidently spoke about what the youth and children will be learning this weekend.
After large group the sessions began. The children were organized chaos (as any good 1st night is) and the students were a little shy to start. Ice breakers were first up in an attempt to engage everyone, break down walls, and open up smiles. We are thankful for the polish volunteers that are serving with us – they are jumping in to interpret and help wherever needed (aka all of the time).
The youth are leading this so well, Megan and I have decided we are superfluous. We absolutely love your students – their attitudes, their joy, their flexibility, their leadership, their faith, their kindness, and their overall awesomeness!
PS – when they get home, ask them about their favorite side quest. Make sure to bring the words “side quest” up over and over and over again in your conversations. I think we (the adults) have made the term uncool now.