Due to weather conditions, all in-person daytime and evening programs have been canceled across the church’s locations for Wednesday, except for the Recovery programs and Food Pantry at Overland Park. Decisions for Thursday daytime programs will correspond with local school district decisions and will be posted on the church’s website.


Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.

Blog 7


South Africa: June 7-17, 2024

Thursday 6/13/2024 


Morning prayer was a “prayer chain”. We held hands and when it started the staff were saying their prayer all at the same time. One was in English and the rest were in their individual languages.It was very moving. You could feel the prayers reverberating within your body/soul. Some were moved to tears. It was very impacting and meaningful. 

The first part of the morning started by preparing bracelets for the children. Morgan had the help of a woman named Mary continued and finished the bracelet’s.  

 Morgan wrote out the names and their strengths on the certificates we are handing out tomorrow.  

Gardening – Whitney Theresa and Bruce planted over 200 plants. They dug the holes to plant them in. There were 5 different beds: spinach, kale, and cabbage.  

Pat continued the Leadership session.  

Whitney and Angela taught a lesson on the Water cycle with Open School Children and helped them make a diagram of it with crafts.  


We had prayer and a meal together. 


Angela and Kaci did the Water Cycle lesson with the After Care children. Since we had time, Kaci read them a story called The Little Tree.  

Morgan, Whitney, and Theresa went over to the Preschool and played a lot of games as well as some songs and dance. They taught them a game and the children taught them some games. And then the children taught the three of them some of their games. They had the best time. They said they hadn’t run around that much in forever. They were tired!!! 

Pat finished the last of the Leadership workshop. It was based on their PAST (the history), PRESENT (what is happening now) AND the FUTURE (what they want to have happen or plan for). All of the participants said the workshop with her was amazing. And Pat had so many compliments of what the school is already doing and how they have they have such great ideas and strategies for the future.  

About mid afternoon the youth pastor from West Side Methodist Church led group worship and  songs with dancing. It was amazing to see the community and connections of the students and staff.   

Evening-we came back to our lodging to pack for tomorrow’s departure from here, rested a bit, had dinner, and did our nightly 
