Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.


Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.

South Africa Oct 2023 Blog 3

October 9, 2023

South Africa II

Our Word For The Day is Joy

  • We began our day with “Good Morning!!!” hugs from everyone on the Dishtego staff. And then moved to introductions of each person and their roles, together supporting children!  This was followed by Team Building. Resurrection sang and danced to the song Every Beat, with our friends quickly joining in.  Then onto team activities including: 1) Four groups playing Pictionary with creative drawings and laughter! September raised the spirits of everyone!! 2) Headzup brought us together in six groups, many guessing animal, vegetable, fruit and larger than a bus or fits within a microwave 3) Pastor Elvis led us in a telephone game based on motions that had all 62 of us lined up and working to pass the terms chess, riding a motorcycle and spyglass down the line.  Many creative interpretations made all laugh at ourselves together.
  • We broke for a wonderful luncheon, carefully prepared of, rice, curried chicken, potatoes and pea, pickled beets, juices and ice cream.  
  • After lunch we divided into three groups with Robin, Michelle and Terri joining the Open School children in games including Fire on the Mountain and Red, Orange, Green.  The sound of running and laughter carried to The Plot where many were learning about kale, cabbage, beans and Swiss chard growing under the watchful eyes of Phineas, September and Patrick.  Peter and Gift shared a wonderful conversation while watering the newly planted trees.  Angela and Sally worked with the Salaminah, Maria, Prudence and Letago and others on excel computer skills. 
  • We arrived at our lodging inspired for the coming week.  
  • And finally a delicious meal prepare by Maria and Jane and evening devotions.  Joy is being present with those you love and consider family.  We are learning to become  better brothers and sisters by working with our Disthego family.