In-person programs have been canceled until Wednesday at 5 PM at each of the church’s locations, with the exception of recovery meetings, backpack stuffing for school partners, and the food pantry at Overland Park, which will each continue as scheduled.

The church will reopen on Wednesday at 5 pm for all scheduled programs.

South Africa Oct 2023 Blog 4

October 10, 2023

South Africa II

Today’s word is Resilience .  Today we visited the community of Mooiplas, an informal settlement of over 30,000 people, primarily refugees from other areas of Africa.  Ennie, Salaminah, Maria and staff helped us to see all of the wonderful work of the Orphans and Vulnerable Children, mobile medical clinic, After School programs and the Disthego Preschool.  The care they have for the children and the good education they are receiving is a testament to their love of the children and their community.
We were impressed by the organization and resilience of the entire community, their shops with fresh fruit/vegetables, clothing, petrol.  They treated is to fried bread which is similar to a large cake donut hole.  We also visited Marietta and  the Team Creative garden and shopped for items made by the ladies who work to support their preschool.
We walked back to The Plot where we had a nice lunch and then Loreto and Prudence gave us a very nice presentation on the work they do with their special staff of Khuluma (To Talk) Family Counseling focused on Counseling, Education, Psychosocial support, Empowerment, Awareness for women and men.  Their focus is on victims of violence and abuse.
We ended our time at The Plot meeting the staff and children in the Dishtego House of Laughter.  The Aunties Emmah, Shoki, Dee, wonderful women who care for 3 boys and 3 girls. Several attending high school and public school.
We ended our day at Westview Methodist Church with the ladies and gentlemen who support many of the activities and work at Dishtego.  We visited with Pastor Siphiwe, Pastor Derrick, Pastor Elvis and several from the Disthego Board, the Khuluma Board, Youth Group, and the Evening Ladies Auxiliary Group.