In-person programs have been canceled until Wednesday at 5 PM at each of the church’s locations, with the exception of recovery meetings, backpack stuffing for school partners, and the food pantry at Overland Park, which will each continue as scheduled.

The church will reopen on Wednesday at 5 pm for all scheduled programs.

South Africa Oct 2023 Blog 7

October 13, 2023

South Africa II

Today we arrived for our final morning with the Disthego staff for a morning of team building. Our day began with devotions followed by a quick tea. We then counted off the staff by fours and went to support their activities of: Yoga led Angela with the support of Peter and Jenni; Taco-Cat-Goat-Cheese-Pizza led by Cathy; Uno led by John and Friendship bracelets supported by Robin, Michelle and Christy; Jina, Sally and Beth worked to assemble certificates of accomplishment for Team Building, Basic Computer, Financial Administration and Budgeting. 

Following rotation of activities we had a sing along with kazoos, drumsticks and clapping to Don’t Worry Be Happy.  All of our friends joined with full enthusiasm for the final round.  

We shared the certificates and a small gift for all members of the Ditshego and Khuluma Teams.  We enjoyed a quick lunch of grilled sausage, mashed potatoes and peas and pap.  Then with many hugs and tears we pulled ourselves away to say goodbye to John and wish him safe travels home. With a beautiful song and dance by our Ditshego partners we loaded a larger van with our luggage in the trailer.

We arrived at the Bakubung (People of the Hippo) Bush Lodge at 3:30 pm.  Several did a little walk about the property before dinner and saw monkeys chasing each other in trees, several banded mongoose playing across a path, 4-5 warthogs grazing close to our lodgings (their tails really do stick up with a bit of a tuft on top like Pumba).  Also saw a black collared barbet, guinea fowl, and two large elephants from a distance.  

Exciting times were occurring for those back at the lodging. Jina and Sally were talking on their deck when two monkeys jumped from the roof to the trees.  Peter was relaxing next door with his exterior doors open to encourage a breeze.  He was startled when he heard a rustling across the room.  As he looked closer he realized a monkey was on the desk opening the biscotti package.  When he sat up the monkey looked at him, grabbed two milk packets and exited.  Maybe the same monkey landed on Jina’s deck and snatched the last bite of donut before making a break.  All doors will be locked tight at night and during the day (while we are away) from now on.  We dined together and then prepared for an early tomorrow.