Due to weather conditions, all in-person daytime and evening programs have been canceled across the church’s locations for Wednesday, except for the Recovery programs and Food Pantry at Overland Park. Decisions for Thursday daytime programs will correspond with local school district decisions and will be posted on the church’s website.


Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.

Uganda - Day 3


Uganda: July 4-15, 2024


Proverbs 1:7 – Fear of the Lord begins with knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Sometimes when we hear fear of the Lord we are afraid.  Here in Bulike this is not the case.  Fear in the Lord leads to freedom. There is an abundance of freedom in Bulike. Freedom to love; freedom to share; freedom to independently learn and grow; freedom for everyone.

First and for most to understand the mission here in Uganda is understand the core principles of UCSS.
The inspirational guiding principles are:

  1. Christ Centered
  2. Holistic Transition
  3. Sustainability
  4. Continuous learning
  5. Gratitude
  6. Stake holder involvement

These core principles are carried out through  core programs of:

  1. Education
  2. Medical Care
  3. Counseling
  4. Economic Sustainably
  5. Community Programming

Dr. Ronald introduced us to the directors, leaders and teachers of UCSS.  Our team was blown away by their work and vision for the future for Bulike and UCSS.  As our week is progressing we are seeing their words put into action. Each day we have an informational topic.

Education is our focus today. We are visiting the Nakala and Bulike primary schools today.  Both of these schools are included in the UCSS program.

Nakalama primary school was our first stop. We thought our welcomes at the churches were incredible and they were.  Unexpectedly, we were greeted by several hundred of the students of NakalamaNakala school. Singing and dancing by students at all levels. It is important to note that all levels means 3 year olds through 8th graders.  What a blessing to hear the voices and see the dancing of these students!  We met the teachers and staff of the school and heard what each teacher was responsible for.

Pastor Ronald and Pastor James each delivered inspirational messages to the students and faculty.  The real inspiration came though from the opportunity to work and interact with the faculty and staff.

We were blessed when we were able to paint the walls of the new primary school building.  There is nothing better than learning and building relationships with the teachers.

Our afternoon session took us to the Bulike Primary School.  For a second time we were greeted like rockstars. We witnessed a program with singing and dancing.  The rockstar of the program was a student who read a class poem that she wrote in English as a welcoming statement.  After the program James delivered a message to members of the community development program that changed the life’s of  people.

Game day was last event at Bulike Primary. We observed a community member football tournament. It is impossible to communicate the joy that the team members felt as we participated  with the students in dancing, singing and bubble blowing.

Lives are being changed here in Bulike. The most dramatic changes are occurring in the lives of the team members.

If you have the opportunity to hop over to the Global Missions Website please do.  You will see opportunities for you to get involved with the beautiful people of Bulike on a more personal and direct way.

In the words of John Wesley, “Faith is the divine evidence whereby the spiritual man discerneth God and the things of God.”  John Wesley is accurate but there is divine evidence of the things of God right here in Bulike.

The team would love for you to pray for the team, Dr. Ronald and all of the members of the UCSS community. You will be blessed and your faith will increase. The things of God are happening here every minute.