In-person programs have been canceled until Wednesday at 5 PM at each of the church’s locations, with the exception of recovery meetings, backpack stuffing for school partners, and the food pantry at Overland Park, which will each continue as scheduled.

The church will reopen on Wednesday at 5 pm for all scheduled programs.

Service Opportunity

Commitment Level:
Good for Families:

Matthew's Ministry (Special Needs)

Matthew’s Ministry is an awareness, outreach and support ministry for individuals with special needs and their families. This ministry would not be possible without the help from our dedicated volunteers! Not only will you be a blessing to a Matthew’s Ministry family, but the joy you will receive from such an opportunity is priceless!

Fill out a volunteer interest form by clicking HERE!

Volunteer Opportunities:

– Family Night Out:

  • Matthew’s Ministry Family Night Out (FNO) offers a free evening of respite for parents and caregivers of individuals with special needs. Volunteers are paired with participants with special needs or a sibling for a fun night of themed activities, including dinner, games, crafts, and a movie! There are also opportunities to help in the kitchen or with crafts and activities. Prior experience not necessary, just a heart to serve. Volunteers ages 13 years or younger are welcome, but must be accompanied by an adult when volunteering.

– Angel Care One-On-One Support:

  • Angel care volunteers provide one-on-one support to children and students with special needs while they attend Resurrection Kids and Resurrection Students programming on Sundays at 9 am and 11 am, and Wednesday evenings. Additionally, there are opportunities for volunteers to help in the Matthew’s Ministry sensory room on Sundays at 9 am or 11 am.

– Sunday Fellowship Groups:

  • On Sundays at 11am and 5pm, volunteers are welcome to join our Matthew’s Ministry groups for students and adults with special needs. Volunteers can lead the adapted bible lesson or simply join the group for fellowship!

– Sonflower Bakery:

  • Matthew’s Ministry Sonflower Bakery provides an opportunity for adults with special needs to bake cookies, breads, scones and more, as well as share their gifts with others. Volunteers are needed to assist the participants to bake and package these delicious treats!

– Sonflower Ringers:

  • Matthew’s Ministry Sonflower Ringers is a hand bell choir composed of students and adults (ages 14 years and older) with special needs. The group rehearses on a weekly basis and has volunteer opportunities to help assist during rehearsals and productions!

– Drama Club:

  • Matthew’s Ministry Drama Club is designed to engage students and adults (ages 16 years and older) with special needs in the performing arts and theater. The group rehearses on a weekly basis and has volunteer opportunities to help assist during rehearsals and productions!

– Summer Activities

  • Throughout the summer, Matthew’s Ministry offers fun activities for participants with special needs of all ages. Offering play and recreation for kids and socialization and enrichment activities for teens and adults. Volunteers are invited to join these groups to help with these fun and engaging activities!
  • For more information, contact Lily Caudill.

Invite Others to Serve

For questions about serving with Matthew's Ministry, contact us using the button below!