Weather Alert:

Church programs for Monday, Jan. 22 will resume their normal schedule at all locations this evening.

Programming Note:

Leawood’s Sunday night in-person worship has been moved to 4 pm for Sunday, February 11. 

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2023 Mission Annual Report

CLICK HERE to view and download our full 2023 Mission Annual Report.

If I were asked to come up with one word to describe Mission Ministries in 2023, it would have to be growth! Fueled by fantastic January weather, the year began with a record-breaking MLK Serve weekend marked by 2,000 individuals honoring Dr. King’s legacy by participating in community service projects across the metro. In February, you followed that up with a robust response to our 2023 domestic and global serve trips invitation and a Sack Hunger drive that yielded the equivalent of 118,512 pounds of food between monetary and physical donations.

We focused on our Global Partner Schools in March, and you provided funds to close funding gaps in schools in Uganda, Honduras, Malawi and South Africa. Our focus in April led to the launch of the Giving Garden and refresh of our Foster Adopt Community ministry. The Community Justice Ministry hosted the Good Faith Network’s Nehemiah Assembly in May, bringing together people from over 30 faith communities in Johnson County, KS for the purpose of moving the needle in the areas of
homelessness and mental health.

Summer brought opportunities to deepen our service to partner schools through our School Makeover event and Partner Schools Supply and Uniform drive. We celebrated Juneteenth and supported various Pride events. Resurrection had record numbers of adults, families and students participate in serve trips.

Moving into the fall, your support continued to address needs within our partner schools, people facing food insecurity, those experiencing homelessness, and you helped a variety of organizations and individuals with construction projects and home repair assistance. The year also included support for a variety of global disasters including the aftermath of the attack and hostage crisis in Israel that led to suffering and loss of life in Israel and Gaza.

You represented the best of who we can be as the church during the holiday season, reflecting the light of Christ in places where people most needed to be reminded of God’s love. You did this through your overwhelming response to our ThanksGiving meals drive, JOY in Serving events, and a Candlelight Christmas Eve offering making possible mission and ministry locally and globally.

Thank you to all who pray, donate, drive our mission trucks, and volunteer in countless ways to make everything listed above and more possible! Let’s continue to grow our impact so that together we might be used by God to help the world as it is look more and more like God’s heavenly kingdom!

In gratitude, and on behalf of the entire Mission Ministries staff team,
Carol Cartmill
Mission Ministries Lead Director

CLICK HERE to view and download our full 2023 Mission Annual Report.

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