Revelation Revealed: A Future With Hope (Meet Your Bible, Part 5)
Many people today think of Christianity as an intolerant, smug majority religion. Too often people who call themselves Christians behave in a manner that fits that image. But when they do, it is because they have lost sight of their faith’s daring roots, particularly embodied in the final book of their Bible. It’s called the […]
How a Small Group Became a Global Force (Meet Your Bible, Part 4)
What does a movement do when its charismatic founder and leader changes roles? Every business, school, sports franchise, and church has to grapple with that question. The world is full of ideas and case studies for “succession planning,” and every field is full of examples of both failure and success in maintaining “momentum” when a […]
From Hopelessness to Hope: The True Story of Easter (Meet Your Bible, Part 3)
Ah, Easter—bunny rabbits, lots of candy, children happily hunting eggs. If you’re philosophically inclined, maybe a few reflections on the beauty of spring (especially if you live where the winter season is frozen). A time for chocolate makers and retailers to budget for increased seasonal sales. But it is (or should be) different for people […]
The Servant King: Jesus’ Mission of Peace and Love in a Hostile World (Meet Your Bible, Part 2)
It was a remarkable, tantalizing prophetic promise. The Hebrew prophet Malachi, about 300-400 years before Christ, wrote, “Suddenly the LORD whom you are seeking will come to his temple. The messenger of the covenant in whom you take delight is coming, says the LORD of heavenly forces” (Malachi 3:1). It came true–but in a startling, […]
No Brain Left Behind: Embracing Science and Creation (Meet Your Bible, Part 1)
At Resurrection, we believe in science. We do not see the beginning chapters of the Bible as contradicting what science has learned about the origins of our physical world. Rather, we understand those foundational stories as using archetypal images to point to the spiritual realities behind the pain and brokenness in our world, and to […]