Weather Alert:

Church programs for Monday, Jan. 22 will resume their normal schedule at all locations this evening.

Programming Note:

Leawood’s Sunday night in-person worship has been moved to 4 pm for Sunday, February 11. 

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Reflecting on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

September 10, 2021

Dear Resurrection Family,

9/11 was a Tuesday. None of us who were old enough at the time will ever forget where we were when we heard the news, and when we watched the World Trade Centers fall. Or the fear, confusion and anger that filled our hearts. At that time Resurrection only had one location. We were meeting in what is now the Student Center. It was standing room only that weekend, as so many came out to try to make sense of what had happened, to grieve, to find hope. I went back to re-read the transcript of that sermon this week. I thought you might find it interesting as well. Click here to watch the sermon.

This weekend we’ll continue our series on Paul’s letter to the Romans. Our memory verse this weekend seems particularly poignant: Don’t be defeated by evil, but defeat evil with good (Romans 12:21).

This Week in Worship

We’ll continue our series on Romans and I’ll share a message titled Therefore… Don’t and Do! from Romans 12 and 13. Romans 12 is one of the great chapters in all of scripture. Having devoted 11 chapters to describing the human condition, God’s mercy through Jesus, and God’s work in us by the Spirit, Paul now turns to the implications of this for how we live our lives. Some of the most clear and powerful verses on the Christian life are found in these chapters.

Don’t forget to bring your Bible to follow along and a pen and paper for notes. And if you join us in person and you are a Chiefs Fan, wear your red as the Chiefs kick off their season!

Celebrating Matthew’s Ministry

We’ll also have a “sweet” treat for you this weekend. This is Matthew’s Ministry Weekend, an annual event where we celebrate this incredible ministry that supports, empowers and encourages individuals of all abilities to become deeply committed Christians.

Through our Adult Learners Day Program, Sonflower Bakery, a special youth group, Bible studies and Family Nights Out, Church of the Resurrection welcomes children and adults with special needs to fully engage in the life of our church. If you’re worshipping at one of our locations this weekend we’ll have a special cookie – baked with love by our Sonflower Bakers – for each of you. Here’s a link where you can learn more about the history of Matthew’s Ministry and how you can get involved in supporting these amazing families.

Sack Hunger Food Drive

Taking inspiration from the Kansas City Chiefs who kick off their season Sunday, we’re going to kick off our Sack Hunger Fall Food Drive. We have two ways you can join in our largest food drive of the year. First, you can pick up a grocery bag and shopping list at any of our locations this weekend, fill your bag with food and then return it at our donation drop-off events at all of our locations on Saturday, September 18, between 9-11 am or return during worship on September 26.

Second, if you are unable to donate physically, you can give financially. Simply use this link and select “Hunger” under Giving Type to donate online, and your gift will be used to purchase food. This food will supply pantries throughout the Kansas City area, including the Resurrection Overland Park Food Pantry that provides food to 100 households weekly, and distributed to underserved areas through our new Mobile Food Pantry.

Dedicating the Resurrection Mobile Food Pantry

Last year our Hunger Ministry proposed the purchase and outfitting of a mobile food pantry that would be used to take fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and non-perishable items to areas of Kansas City where people do not have ready access to fruits, vegetables and meats – areas sometimes referred to as “food deserts.” You’ll have a chance to see the Resurrection Mobile Food Pantry in the sermon this weekend, and if you attend Leawood, it will be outside the building from 8:30 to 11:30 am for you to see it after the 9 am service or before the 11 am service.

I’m really excited about the Mobile Food Pantry. Your donations made this possible. This 28-foot bus, equipped with 2 freezers, 3 refrigerators and shelving for produce and non-perishables began operating this week to meet critical needs in areas of our community.

The Foodmobile can meet people where they are and when they are available and offers a dignified personal choice experience, where families can select the food that meets their needs. Many food pantries are only open for a few hours during the weekday, and for families that are working, but just not quite able to get by without help, this is a barrier. Your food and financial donations will help us use this new tool to serve our community and “Sack Hunger.”

Hunger ministry volunteers coordinate our food drives, work with are pantries, sort and distribute food and will be operating the Food Mobile. Here’s a link to learn more if you’d like to get more involved with this vital ministry.

Resurrection Car Show Tomorrow

I hope to see you tomorrow (Saturday) at the Resurrection Car Show in the parking lot of Resurrection Leawood at 137th and Nall. Bring your family and invite your friends and neighbors!

Cars are displayed from 9 am – 1 pm, with judging results at 1 pm. The Car Show is free to spectators and will have lots of cool cars on display, as well as food trucks and our new Mobile Food Pantry that you can check out. Funds raised from registration and sales are going to our hunger relief efforts and our car repair ministry. I love this event and will have my Mustang there.

Tuesday Night Vespers

Join me this Tuesday night for Vespers. I’ll be coming to you live as we look at Romans 12-13 and three passages I don’t have time to address in the sermon but which I think are fascinating! Have your Bible with you. You can join me at 7:30 pm Central Time on my Facebook page: Pastor Adam Hamilton on Facebook. You’ll also be able to view it on my Facebook page or on after Tuesday night.

Pro-Retirement Seminar

September 14, 6:30-8 pm online

This is your last chance to register for the Pro-Retirement Seminar. If you are over 50, planning to retire in a few years, or newly retired, this seminar, with an all-star line-up of speakers, will provide guidance and tips for preparing for the next chapter of life. Discover how to live with energy, purpose and joy through four areas: wellness, leaving a legacy, relationships and spirituality. Here’s the registration link.

Serve Saturday

September 19

I hope you’ll make serving the community one way you put your faith into practice this fall! Our monthly Serve Saturday is a great way to get started. We’ll have hundreds of opportunities to serve the community in a variety of ways, including morning and afternoon shifts, family-friendly and outdoor options.

To sign up, visit the registration site and pick where you want to serve. Some opportunities fill quickly, so don’t wait.

Have you considered serving on a Resurrection committee?

We are looking for a diverse group of people who are committed to the mission and ministry of our church to serve beginning in 2022 on our Finance, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Foundation and Nominations committees, and as Lay Delegates to Annual Conference. In this interests you, here is a link where you can learn more about these committees and sign up. Deadline for nominations is October 11.

COVID Update

Finally, I know many of us saw the President’s address yesterday with new policy roll outs regarding vaccination mandates in response to the increasing number of cases, deaths and hospitalizations. We are watching this carefully and determining any impact on the church and our staff. In the meantime, can I just say one more time: If you haven’t yet, please get vaccinated! This is the best way to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community.

I also want to strongly encourage you to wear masks. Each of our locations is following the requirements or recommendations of the city or county where it is located. In Johnson County that is that masks are encouraged but not required. This week one of my family members and several of my friends have had breakthrough cases even though they were previously vaccinated. Three had mild symptoms, but still had to quarantine. One had more serious symptoms. When I’m inside and not eating or preaching, my mask is on for two reasons: First, were I to contract COVID, I hope to avoid spreading it, and second, because I want to avoid contracting it as I don’t want to have to quarantine.

I’ll share more about this next week, but mark your calendars for Tuesday, September 21, from 7-8:30 pm. In place of my weekly Vespers, our United Methodist Women are sponsoring an online panel presentation called “Pathway to Normalcy: Facts about the Delta Variant.” Experts from Johnson County Health & Environment, Truman Medical Center, Children’s Mercy and KU Medical Center will share facts about the COVID Delta Variant, children’s health, breakthrough cases, protocols for reducing risk, vaccinations regarding children, and mental health.

Take some time tomorrow to reflect on 9/11 and how you personally can live out your faith, demonstrating to others how love always triumphs over hate. It’s going to be a great weekend at Resurrection, and I’m looking forward to worshipping with you!

In Christ’s Love,


Adam Hamilton

Resurrection Senior Pastor

Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.

Adam’s writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.

Learn More About What's Happening Now at Your Location

Watch for the “Next” newsletter in your email on Tuesday. This newsletter includes a personal message from your location pastor (Wendy, Anne, Bill, Penny, Joshua and Ashley) and opportunities for you to engage and connect at your location. If you’re not receiving it right now, you can sign up here.

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