Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
September 27, 2024
Dear Resurrection Family,
This weekend we’ll conclude our study of the Holy Spirit as we look at what the Apostle Paul wrote about the Holy Spirit in his letters to the early church. He mentions the Spirit 110 times – I read each of these this week and have distilled down his pastoral guidance as we look at what the Holy Spirit can do in our lives. I’ll also share a bit about the modern Pentecostal and Charismatic movement, and you’ll hear from Pastor Bob Cave at Faith Chapel Assembly of God – the church where I came to faith in Christ – about his experience of the Holy Spirit. We’ll consider what happens when we pay attention and open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit to work through us. This will be a powerful message. Join us for worship at one of our seven locations, or on television or online.
If you enjoy Resurrection worship music, check out the new COR Worship Collective album, A Resurrection (Live), This newly released album is available on all streaming platforms and you can also see music videos on the Worship Collective’s YouTube channel. Download the album now and share it with your friends.
We’ll be focusing on the message of our kindness campaign: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” during October in worship, special workshops, a Fall Food Drive, a special serve day, and our annual trunk or treat community event.
Sermons: Jesus, the Golden Rule and Politics. As political tensions rise and negative ads increase, we’re exploring how Jesus’ teaching “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” can guide us in these divided times. In this five-week sermon series, we’ll look at Jesus’ words and their relevance in today’s political climate.
Do Unto Others Workshop Series. Resurrection is offering a three-week Do Unto Others workshop series on Wednesdays throughout the month of October (October 9, 16 and 23) designed to provide information and tools to help bridge the partisan divide and enhance our relationships with family, friends and co-workers. The workshops will be in person at Resurrection Leawood, streamed Online and at Resurrection Downtown. The cost to attend all workshops is $30, and includes a meal for those attending in person at Leawood. Childcare is available for those attending in person. You can learn more and register here.
Raise the Bar Against Hunger. Our Fall Hunger Drive helps to support our Backpacks for Hunger ministry which works toward feeding kids in our partner schools. From now through Oct. 27, we are “Raising the Bar Against Hunger” and collecting as many protein bars as possible – specifically kid-friendly protein bars to be distributed to our children in need. This is a great way to connect with and engage your friends and neighbors in making a difference in the lives of children and families. After worship this weekend, you can pick up door hangers to place on your neighbors’ doors to invite them to join us in this food drive and to one of our Trick or Treat events happening the weekend of Oct. 26 and 27. Learn more about the hunger ministry and make a monetary donation here.
Super Serve Saturday Oct. 12. Sign up here for a project and plan to join us in serving our neighbors and modeling what Do Unto Others is all about as we serve alongside community partners to build a better community together.
Trunk or Treat is Saturday, Oct. 26 and Sunday, Oct. 27 at our Resurrection locations. This annual event is one of our biggest outreach opportunities for kids and families and is an easy way to invite other family, friends and neighbors to join you for a day of fun, games, crafts, and lots of candy. We need volunteers at all locations to help with this fun fall activity by decorating their car trunks and distributing candy. Here’s the link for more information and to sign up as a trunk decorator.
Hundreds of thousands of election poll workers will be working across the country on November 5. Resurrection is working on some ways to show appreciation to these public servants. While they receive a small stipend, these people serve because they are committed to supporting our democratic process, and we want to recognize this. We’ll be sharing details closer to the election.
In Johnson County, Kansas, they will need 2,000 election workers. Workers must be registered voters in the county where they serve and go through training prior to Election Day. There are also ways students ages 16 and 17 can also serve. If you are in Johnson County and interested, you can learn more and apply to be a poll worker on the Johnson County website here. The link to the Jackson County, Missouri election site is here, and you can check out the election board in whatever county you live.
Please join us in prayer for those in the path of Hurricane Helene. Resurrection is monitoring the progress of the storm and is preparing to respond by sending funds to the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church and other annual conferences affected by Helene. Bishop Tom Berlin from the Florida Conference as well as other pastors and leaders from Florida churches in the path of the hurricane were at Resurrection for our Leadership Institute, and we will be keeping in contact with them to see how Resurrection can provide assistance through Resurrection’s Disaster Response Fund. This fund allows us to quickly respond by providing financial relief in moments of great need, such as Hurricane Helene. If you would like to contribute to this fund, you can do so here.
If you are in Financial Services, you play an important part in sparking a movement of generosity across our community and the world as we seek to Do Unto Others. I invite you to join me and the Resurrection Foundation for a special breakfast on Wednesday, November 13, at 7 am in the Foundry Hall at our Resurrection Leawood Location. You can get more information here. The morning will include an incredible breakfast compliments of MidWest Trust and the opportunity to network with fellow professionals, while I share the important role generosity and legacy planning plays in our community. CLEs and CE’s are available as Resurrection Board of Director and Attorney Bob Kirkland serves as the keynote speaker focused on IRA Charitable Giving. You can register using this link, and you can do us another favor and take a moment to invite other estate and financial professionals to join you using this link.
Not in the Financial Services business but love the church? No problem! Share this invitation with your own financial advisor or estate planner and encourage them to attend. Let them know it is important to you. For additional information, please email or call 913-544-0256.
Join me for the one of the last five Vespers on Tuesday nights between now and November 5. We’ll be shifting the format to a podcast beginning the day after the election with a podcast called, “Making Sense of…” I’ll go live at 7:30 pm this week from my home in Stilwell as we discuss where faith meets life. Click here to go to my Pastor Adam Hamilton Facebook page. You can also access it here on YouTube later in the week.
I’m looking forward to an amazing weekend in worship!
Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.
Adam’s writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.