Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.


Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.

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A Church for All Generations

Throughout scripture, God calls one generation to pass on the faith to the next. Moses commanded the Israelites to teach their children of God’s deliverance and love. The Psalmist insists that the Israelites record their faith for a people yet unborn. Jesus was intentional about ministering to children. And, part of Paul’s focus was mentoring young leaders. 

In this campaign, we’re seeking to ensure our buildings and programs faithfully connect with and care for all people of the church and community, from the oldest to the youngest. Thus, ensuring our ability to pass on the faith from generation to generation.

Throughout this website, you’ll see the faces and read the stories of some of our members across the generations. You’ll see the proposed changes to our facilities aimed at helping us meet the needs of people across the generations. And, you’ll read a bit about how reducing or eliminating our debt will strengthen and expand our ministries to prepare our church for a vibrant future.

Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet unborn may praise the Lord.

Pictured here is Pastor Adam, his wife LaVon, and their granddaughter.

We want to ensure that the church continues to do a great job caring for our parents’ and grandparents’ generations, and we desperately want to know that we’re doing all we can to connect with our daughters and granddaughter and their generations. We hope you will prayerfully consider being part of this important effort, and join us to ensure a vibrant future for the church.

Adam Hamilton, Senior Pastor
Our hopes for the future are to continue to see our church

reach out to as many people as it can.

And for our buildings to be able to grow as our church grows.

Resurrection, Generation to Generation

books distributed to children at Kansas City area elementary schools
pounds of food distributed through the Food Mobile
cumulative participation in online, in-person, or televised worship services
children directly engaged in Vacation Bible Camp
unique students participated in weekly programming across all locations
average attendance in worship across all locations, online, and television
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Resurrection, Planted & Growing

Resurrection launched on October 7, 1990 with four people and a dream to reach non-religious and nominally religious people. From there, Resurrection moved from a funeral home chapel, to an elementary school, to its first sanctuary on its own property. Rapid growth continued, which led to building the first wings of classrooms, followed by a new, bigger sanctuary as Resurrection’s weekly worship surpassed 2,000 people in weekly worship attendance.
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Continued Growth & New Locations

Resurrection’s exponential growth continued, leading to expanded education space and the third sanctuary with increased seating capacity to handle weekly worship attendance as it surpassed 9,000 at the Leawood location. Resurrection also launched three new locations to expand mission and ministry outreach throughout the Kansas City Metro with the opening of West (2006), Downtown (2009), and Blue Springs (2010).
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10,000 Reasons & Deeper Roots

As Resurrection’s impact continued to expand, Leawood’s permanent Sanctuary was built to be a sacred, thin space for all to encounter God for generations to come. Resurrection deepened its roots in the community even further with construction and expansion at all locations, including renovations, increased classroom space, and sanctuaries at Leawood, West, Downtown, and Blue Springs. Resurrection also increased in city-wide footprint with the addition of its fifth location, Overland Park.
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Vision 2023 & Spreading Hope

Vision 2030 launched with a dream to close four gaps: The Spiritual Gap, The Generational Gap, The Kindness & Justice Gap, & The Opportunity Gap for Children. Resurrection launched a catalytic television ministry reaching more than 35k weekly, and was an outpost of hope throughout the pandemic providing Covid-19 vaccines and food throughout the community. The BE Campaign inspired millions with a message of kindness, and Resurrection’s sixth location, Brookside, opened in 2022.
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Generation to Generation

We have great momentum to pursue what God is calling us to do next; to ensure a place for all generations. Today, as a thriving church with six physical locations and a growing online presence, we are committed to ensuring that our buildings and programs continue to welcome and care for our community – from those yet to be born, to teens and young adults, to our oldest adults.

Click here to hear more from Pastor Adam regarding the specific plans for
Resurrection Leawood.

Campaign Timeline & Next Steps

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Begin with prayer.

Pray for this campaign, specifically that God will give our leaders wisdom and touch the hearts of our congregation. 

Pray for personal discernment as you consider how God is calling you to invest in a church for generations today and tomorrow. 

Pray this simple prayer daily:

God, you have called us to tell coming generations of your glorious deeds. Grant us vision to know the plans you have for your church, and give us the conviction, courage and boldness to pursue them. Amen.

Determine your commitment.

The success of the campaign will require a commitment from us all to complete the building designs and achieve our goals. A sacrificial gift is an opportunity to take a bold step in your spiritual journey, make a sacrificial gift to invest in God’s work, and experience the joy of knowing that you will be sharing Jesus with current and future generations.

Space for all generations is important because church is

our space to learn how to be better Christians


Give as a Family

Family Resources

Parents, this is an opportunity to discuss giving with your children. Our children’s ministry team has designed activities and a Talk & Tunes resource with these conversations in mind. Share with your children how you make giving decisions. Talk about the difference you want to make, and work as a family to find other ways to make an impact. Download printable versions of these resources by clicking the buttons below.

Qualified Charitable Distribution Information

If you have an IRA, consider contributing through a Qualified Charitable Distribution. A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from an IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity like Resurrection. These gifts expand the impact of your giving, because instead of paying taxes on the money, every dollar goes directly to mission and ministry. Seek advice from a financial advisor to determine the best way to maximize this opportunity. For more information visit or click the button below.

Giving Online

Setting up a recurring gift at Resurrection is a convenient and secure way to manage your giving. Use this link for easy-to-use steps.  As you set up your gifts, be sure to read carefully as you enter your giving amount and frequency.

Spiritual Discernment Resources

Begin with Prayer

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Spiritual Discernment Guide

Our sacrificial gifts to the church, above and beyond our annual ministry fund gift or tithe, over the next three years towards the Generation to Generation capital campaign will provide resources that will impact thousands and thousands of lives for generations to come. Making a sacrificial gift is something that requires prayerful discernment, and it will take each of us to make the goals of this campaign a reality. As you embark on this spiritual journey, this devotional is designed to help you prayerfully seek God’s calling as you consider what He is asking you to sacrifice to be a part of ensuring spaces for all generations at Resurrection, today and into the future. 

Together We Can Ensure a Vital Ministry for Resurrection for Generations to Come

An Invitation

We hope you will join us in praying about making a sacrificial gift to ensure our congregation has a vital future caring for all generations. 

To learn more about the Generation to Generation Campaign at each location, click the images below:

Make a Commitment

If you’re ready to join us by making a commitment to the Generation to Generation Capital Campaign, at any level or any location, simply click the button below to get started. 


If you have any question, big or small, our Donor Relations Team is here for you. Simply click the button below to reach out to us! 

Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet unborn may praise the Lord.