Due to weather conditions, all in-person daytime and evening programs have been canceled across the church’s locations for Wednesday, except for the Recovery programs and Food Pantry at Overland Park. Decisions for Thursday daytime programs will correspond with local school district decisions and will be posted on the church’s website.


Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.

Honduras - Day 2


Honduras: July 13-20, 2024

Wow, what an eventful day!! This morning the team loaded up the vans and drove to the town on El Obraje. We were quickly greeted by the joyful kids who were patiently waiting for our arrival! They welcomed us in their church as we sang worship songs together. It was an amazing experience singing worship songs in both English and Spanish. After worship we led a VBS skit about the Jacob and Esau Bible story. We reminded the students that God works in mysterious ways and honesty is always the best path. After the skit we lead a group craft where the students created their own “Blessing Tree” highlighting the blessings in their life (la Familia, comida, amigos, Jesus). To end our first day of VBS, the kids participated in a competitive game of a “Blessing Hunt” …team 3 collected 30 blessing cards which were secretly dispersed around the church…winner winner!


Following VBS, the mission’s team, the church pastor, Alejandro, and some kids from El Obraje drove up the hills of El Obraje and planted trees. These trees are helping the town of Danli by preventing erosion over their land and to assist chemical filtration.  As we were planting the trees we looked into the distance and saw quite the rainstorm coming for us! Ten minutes later we were packing up our planting tools and making our way back to the vans. However, we turned this negative situation into a positive situation. We were so thankful to be together on the beautiful mountainside next to our new Honduran friends. We were also thankful that God decided to water our newly planted trees…He was just too eager to get those trees growing.


The last stop of the day was making our way to The Cross of Danli. The hike up to the cross was quite the adventure! We all took one step at a time, relied on each other’s encouraging words, and trusted in God’s protection as we all safely made it to the top of the mountain! Once at the top, the cross and view was nothing short of incredible!! We spent our time capturing breathtaking pictures and looking down on the town of Danli in awe of God’s creation.


The first official day in Honduras brought so many incredible memories and relationships. God is working in amazing ways here in Honduras and we are so thankful to be God’s hands and feet as we spend our time here in this beautiful country.