Due to weather conditions, all in-person daytime and evening programs have been canceled across the church’s locations for Wednesday, except for the Recovery programs and Food Pantry at Overland Park. Decisions for Thursday daytime programs will correspond with local school district decisions and will be posted on the church’s website.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
Today, we traveled to Ciudad España to worship at the United Methodist Church and meet with the students and families of the Juan Wesley School who are sponsored by some of the members of our group.
The local children were so excited to greet us and with the help of our translators, we spent some time mingling and learning about each other. Our very own Mark was a local celebrity as he is on his 10th Mission Trip to Honduras!
After a moving service by the Worship Leaders, we sat down to lunch with these students and families. We were then given a presentation by Amanda who is in charge of the COR sponsorship program for the school. She emphasized the amazing things happening with these kids and the chance to have a good education with the help of support from COR. It is changing the trajectory of their lives for the better and it was awesome to see how they are using God to move in the lives of these kids.
Lots of driving today as we then checked out of the Mission House and headed to Danli where we will stay for the week while we serve in El Obraje.