Due to weather conditions, all in-person daytime and evening programs have been canceled across the church’s locations for Wednesday, except for the Recovery programs and Food Pantry at Overland Park. Decisions for Thursday daytime programs will correspond with local school district decisions and will be posted on the church’s website.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
Jambo – from the Pearl of Africa. The Ugandan team has arrived in Bulike but the real pearl of Africa is the work that God is doing here. God has blessed us with safe travel, building relationships, incredible sights and beautiful Ugandan people.
The team was greeted at the Entebbe airport by the inspirational Dr. Ronald and his team. We have the gifted Stella, Stanley and Allysen to guide us on our journey.
Our first day was filled amazing animals such as having breakfast with monkeys to observing the colorful variety of waterfowl at the mouth of the Nile.
The highlight of the day was to hear and see the vision of UCSS (Uganda Counseling and Support Services). Dr. Ronald showed us the incredible building that is being built in Kampala to help extend the reach of UCSS. Dr. Ronald has an amazing mission that God laid on his heart including how he first met Pastor Adam.
One of the most impressive words to hear from Dr. Ronald was the word sustainability. Dr. Ronald was talking about his work in Uganda but more importantly, we heard about the sustainability that God is providing for all of us.
Sunday is a day of beautiful celebration of God. We were welcomed at a church in Bulike that was like none other. The members of the churches sang songs of praise, shared their personal testimonies, and Pastor James delivered a powerful message about the grace of the Lord. The joy of the congregation was felt by each member of our team. Children’s church was another opportunity for us share of love of Jesus and receive even more love in return.
Jambo, the Lugandan word for hello, has been spoken over and over again already. Jambo is all that is necessary to capture our hearts. The smiles and eyes of the people of Bulike show the face of God. We are looking forward to all of that God has in store.