Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.


Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.

Small Groups



Check here often for a collection of resources on group leading, tips for online groups, a link to the PDF version of the journals for Resurrection members, and lists of recommended studies.

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Year 1

The Year One journal, Communities of Blessing, is divided into three parts: Purpose (6 lessons), Belonging (9 lessons), and Growth (6 lessons).

  • The group begins with a discussion over the Essential Practices of the Christian faith. In group time, groups consider challenges to those practices and engage in exercises that promote group connection.
  • Part Two, the meat of the journal, is an extended engagement with the story of Scripture, though the aim of the material is to promote engagement with each group member’s life story. This time ends with a Seven Word Testimony exercise.
  • The last part of the journal engages John Wesley’s historic questions, leaning into conversation over the spiritual life.

8 Keys to Small Group Leadership

Our team has put together a resource that spells out 8 keys for effectively leading a small group. These keys can benefit participants, too. This resource is available to all, and we would love for you to share your wisdom with us, too. Feel free to reach out to our team to share your feedback! To supplement this resource, our team acted out 4 of the leadership keys to make them a little more tangible. Check out those videos below.

Click the button below to download the Small Group Leader Guide. 

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Other Resources

Online Tips

Download the Church of the Resurrection Online Etiquette Guide to help you navigate leading small groups that meet online.

Recommended Resources

Download a list of many of our Adult Discipleship departments’ favorite studies from Amplify Media.

Suggested Reading

Download our Adult Discipleship Team’s recommended books to read for a book study group.

Building Bridges Podcast

Listen to the Bridging Cultures Podcast where you can find engaging interviews from community leaders and innovative entrepreneurs in economically emerging countries.

Member Agreement

Download and customize this Member Agreement template to help you/your leaders set healthy expectations up front.

Small Groups & Spiritual Growth

Read a short article by Josh Seifert, Resurrection Fellow, about how Small Groups has impacted his spiritual growth.

Year 2

The Year two journal, Communities of Hope, is also divided into three parts: Purpose (5 lessons), Belonging (10 lessons), and Growth (6 lessons).

  • The group beings by examining the life of Joseph in Genesis, considering him as an example of how to cross boundaries in our lives. 
  • Part Two takes the group on a journey with John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, as he demonstrates what it means to be a person who practices hope and resists cynicism. 
  • The last part of the journal, an encounter with Revelation, teaches reliable group meeting practices that can serve the group for years to come. 

As groups complete the Year 2 Small Group Journal, our hope is that you may consider a nudge to host a new small group, or proceed on with your original small group, as you continue to serve, grow in your faith, and allow and encourage transformation through the small group community.

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Be Known

Do you long to be known and to know others? You’re not alone in that longing. Our faith teaches us that we need community. We are but one part of a larger body (1 Cor 12:12). Science and psychology also show us that belonging in community is a human need. This need to be known and to know others is one reason small groups are so important to us at Resurrection.

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Do Good

We all want to make a difference. It can be transformative to do so alongside a community. We need to be known and to know others, and we also need to know that our gifts, skills, and graces can be put to use for others. Our faith tells us that life can be lived to the fullest when the communities to which we belong bless the world (Genesis 12). We begin by being known…and then we go out into the world and do good. That’s what our small groups seek to do.

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