Wednesday, February 5, Childcare at Leawood, West, Overland Park will not be open during morning due to local public school systems announcing late arrival schedules.  All church buildings will operate on regular schedule. However, at Leawood, West and Overland Park, programs requiring childcare will not be held prior to noon Wednesday.


REMINDER: We will not be holding our Sunday evening “in-person” worship service at 5 pm in the Leawood Sanctuary. This weekend only, please consider joining us online at 5 pm using THIS LINK or by worshiping with us on YouTube. Thank you for joining us in worship!

Welcome to
The Jesus Tour!

Do Unto Others
Vacation Bible Camp 2024

This was the best week of the year!  Kindergarten-5th graders learned all about the Golden Rule; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Kids learned to Do Kindness, Do Respect, Do Compassion, & Do Humility through original video teachings and songs, interactive games, creatives crafts, and local and global serve projects. Each day they had a take home challenge to ‘Do Together’ with their grown-ups. 

Play Video

Local Serve Project

Vacation Bible Camp 2024’s mission collections are all about nurturing the love of learning in children. We are inviting all kids and their families to join us in the Jesus Tour Mission Collections in three ways:

  1. Donating 24 Count Crayon boxes that will be donated to our Partner Schools
  2. Donating Play-Doh containers that will be donated to our Partner Schools
  3. Donating gently used books
Goal: 1,000 Crayon Boxes (24 Count). We collected 2250 boxes!
Goal: 1,000 Play-Doh Containers. We collected 2493 containers!
Goal: 1,000 Gently Used Books. We collected 2908 books!

Global Serve Project

We are collecting money to support and equip families in Madisi, Malawi to grow nutritious, year-round food. More than 80% of the country is filled with subsistence farmers that only know how to grow maize while the rest of the year the fields remain fallow. In 2021 we helped launch a pilot food security program that helped 1,000 families experience a significant increase in food security. This year we invite you to be a part of helping more families achieve food diversity and food security by funding the cost for training, seeds, seedlings, and a few supplies. For just $400, a family of 5 becomes food secure through permaculture. Our goal is to collect $10,000. If you’d like to make a donation now you may and it will be added to your registration or you can give during VBC week. Local mission opportunities will be available during VBC week as well.

Goal: $10,000 - We collected $13,113.49

Location Details


Nick Ransom
Leawood Kids Director


Lynnlea Nelson
West Kids Director


Sarah Elliot
Downtown Kids Director

Blue Springs

Diane Enlow
Blue Springs Kids Director

Overland Park

Jennifer Lennan
Overland Park Kids Director


Christie Walker
Brookside Kids Director

Vacation Bible Camp 2024

VBC Celebration

Friday, July 19 | 5:30 - 8 PM

We’ll have games, food, fun, as well as some surprises along the way. Invite your friends and neighbors to join you! Everyone is welcome!