Ash Wednesday services at all Resurrection locations will be held on schedule today.
Scheduled programming has resumed for Thursday, February 13 at all Resurrection locations.
We want to partner with you in your child’s faith growth. We intentionally create a safe, secure, and nurturing environment as we welcome them with love, expressing Jesus’ words when He taught his disciples by saying, “let the children come to me”.
You will be welcomed with a smile as our team helps you get checked in. We recommend arriving 20 minutes before the service starts to complete our check-in form capturing critical parent/guardian info and any special needs your child may have. You can fill out the new Kids registration form ahead of time online. Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. If for any reason we need to reach you during the service, you’ll receive a text or call from one of our team members. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick up your child after the service.
Weekends during worship services and Wednesday nights are the main program times. There are various other programs at certain locations during the week. Nursery & childcare is offered in conjunction with Adult Ministries programs and registration for childcare occurs when you register for those programs.
Our hope is to inspire and equip you as a faith leader for your kids. CLICK HERE to learn more about all the parenting resources
Our staff and volunteers are excited to welcome your child. Be sure to sign up to receive your location’s Tuesday Kids Ministry Newsletter which will have the most up-to-date details about that’s week’s programs and upcoming events.
Our hope is to inspire and equip you a faith leader for your kids. Pick up the monthly Talk-n-Tunes card near check-in to discuss each Sunday’s lesson with your kid and enjoy a Spotify playlist while you drive! Worship activity booklets are available as your family enters worship across all of our locations. Check out season one of the NEW ‘With Parents’ podcast where Jason Gant, Pastor of Kids & Families interviews experts, authors, and specialists on topics parents want to know. Season covers topics like youth sports culture and what to talk about in the car ride home after a game. A free swim safety video to get your child ready for summer, and a local children’s book author who has written books to help your kids understand big ideas like grace and fear. Check out our parents page at the button below.
Kids Ministry is a great place to live into our five essential practices of the faith; Worship, Study, SERVE, Give, and Share! We offer volunteer opportunities to change the life of a child with Christ’s love, acceptance, and care each and every week. You can serve weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly to help create a wonderful and safe space for kids to be welcomed with a warm smile!
Want the latest updates on what is happening? Make sure you’re signed up for the Resurrection Kids weekly newsletter from your location!
Also, you can follow our location Resurrection Kids teams on Facebook and Instagram!
Welcome to Kids and Family ministry at Resurrection where we consider it a privilege to serve your kids in their faith growth. Each of our location teams are ready to connect and partner with you in shepherding kids (and your entire family) into a faith life with Christ! We are strategic in our program design, event planning, and weekly gatherings to teach the great stories of Scripture and characteristics of God to this next generation. We also believe that your involvement and faith example as a parent is critical in your child’s faith growth. You have the most influence and set the greatest example for their life. Because of this understanding we hope to come beside you with tools, resources, and support that will positively impact your child’s faith development. We also hope you’ll come beside us in living out the faith essential of serving in Resurrection Kids.